"Part of why being comfortable with yourself is the first key to being badass is, it's fucking hard to be yourself. And the more unlike your social environment you are, the harder it is. It's a hard road to choose, a harder road to walk, and an even harder road to stay true to, up until a certain point at least. Getting to that point is hard."
namfle on
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Do you think these must be mutually exclusive?
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I found your other comments interesting, as well. Will you share some more on this?
My initial reaction was that externally these would seem to be polar extremes of a long continuum. Should it then not be possible to find a middle way to hold to one's individual truths - even while rejecting some/much of the herd's mentality? To still remain a "member", albeit a less......integrated one?
Trust me.
I am most accepted by those who themselves are different, but we retain a dynamic, and allow our differences, we are not a herd, merely a loose collective.
Mostly I am alone.
Yours truly (She who can never remember her password)
It is only my opinion, of course, but I have always believed that because we are of Gd ourselves, we can never truly be alone.
But in terms of the herd, it seems to me that even a fully memeber of the herd is accepted only on the convenience of the others. The myth of unconditional acceptance, I think, is just that - a myth. So don't be too hard on yourself. Besides, without the individual jewels such as yourself (whoever you are!), the world would be an awfully boring place! So shine on, you Crazy Diamond! :-)
Now that I know who you are, I will also add that those who turn from you injur themselves the most for the loss of your friendship. :-)
And thank you, Spirit, I am honored to be included in your inner circle - as I know you know that you are in mine. *hugs*
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