Spend the day in my jammies and cataloging all my damn books. The living room is carpeted with books. Plan on weeding this bunch out as I don't feel like having to pack them up and move the lot again back to Missouri. Have been putting them on my memory stick so that if my computer decides to do a belly up, I will still have the records. Am going to do that to my DVD's also. It snowed here off and on but didn't amount to anything. Will be glad when spring comes but not too sure about summer. Have to get some kind of curtains up in this huge window or this living room is going to be hot. They have those stupid gnats that just fly around your head, get in your ears, and drive you crazy. Not to mention the bats that come flying around the place. Guess I should be glad for them cause they eat the mosquitoes. Had a pair of wood ducks and canada geese on the pond the past couple of days. Have been looking for the deer but guess they are still back in the woods. Going to get a bag of cracked corn to feed to the ducks. Have more books to catalog so will write again later.