Jul 24, 2005 23:04

For all you interested people out there, I passed my Nursing Home Exam with a 90%, my State Exam Practical Skills ( there was 5 that we had to demonstrate for the state examiner ), and am waiting for the results of my written State Exam which should be either Wed or Thurs. Am hoping to get the 11 PM to 7 AM shift so if I do, please don't call me during the day as I will be sleeping and I will bite the head off anyone that does. I start on August 1 during the day with the rest of my class - at least those that past - for orientation. Oh, and I will be working all weekends on the night shift so don't call me then either. Depending on how things go, I may be moving into a house in the next few months. It is just down the street from where I grew up, right next door to where my aunt and uncle use to live. The post office is just going to love me with all these address changes. At least I change my address, unlike some people. Which also means that I have to pack all this shit back up again. But things may not work out and I will still be living where I am until I die or end up in the nursing home that I will be working at. Have another new kitten to keep Misu in line and her name is Oreo since she is mostle black with white feet, belly, chest, and chin. This poor thing went thru so many names - Muffin, Maui, and Tarot, until I decided on Oreo. Her name should just be Hell Cat. I remembered what I didn't like about New York and that is those pesky little bugs that fly around your head all the time when you are outdoors. We also have bears here which we didn't have when I was growing up so it may take a few shots of rum to get me to walk down in the woods to see the falls. Tomorrow I am taking the truck to get registered - finally - and I hope I don't have to wait around a long time. Got the insurance for it and also my renters insurance so I am all set there. One nice thing about New York is that you don't have to run an air conditioner if you don't want to since it doesn't stay hot here like it did in Missouri, at night it cools right down into the 60's. Everybody at work loves the tattoo on the back on my neck and since we have to wear our hair either pulled back or up - which I do - they all see it. Our uniforms have to be white so all the scrubs that I have that are printed, I can't wear. Well, I guess I will get back to playing Pogo since I am trying to beat Jennifer on some of the challenges. Hugs to all those that would like them and for those of you that don't, to hell with you.
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