Jan 30, 2012 22:06
I don't get it. I really just must be missing something.
Ok yes, I've been trying to quit cutting myself for whatever... 8 months now? Longer than that shit.... over a year I guess. I can't take it anymore, I'm sick of the DTs, I'm sick of the urges, I'm sick of feeling sad and freaked out and panicked. Fuck all of that. I'm done trying to stop. I like it, and you know what, you should all just be happy it isn't heroine.
But here's what I don't get. Yes, I'm fab at hiding it when I want to but shit... people who have known me for years, people who have outright asked me what the cuts on my arms and legs are.... don't fucking understand that I was lying to them. And then when I come out and admit that yeah my cat didn't do that, they can't put two and two together. I'm fucking sorry, I'm not going to spell it out for you. I mean I will for people I haven't known as long but shit. Yes, I'm addicted to cutting myself. There, I said it. I love the feeling of a blade slicing my skin. I love watching the blood run down out of the wound. Are you happy now? Oi vey.
I won't lie, I just sliced up my shoulder. I'm really happy ^ ^
Yeah bitches, it felt fucking GOOD.