an illegal alien in Virginia

Aug 05, 2010 19:19

I'm watching Anderson Cooper 360 right now.  Some guy in Virginia named Montano, here illegally from Bolivia, was driving drunk and hit head-on a car full of nuns, killing one, a woman in her 60s.  Everybody's screaming about illegal aliens, why was he still here, asking immigration status, yadda yadda yadda.  No one's screaming about another damn jackass drinking and driving.  I don't give a flying fuck whether the driver is legal or not, Hispanic, white, black, man, woman, or a cat-eyed genderless Anthean...DRUNK DRIVING IS DRIVING DRUNK IS MURDER!!!!!!  The way they talk -- everything is deportation and racial profiling -- it would have been totally okay if the asshole who MURDERED that poor woman was a white man, that it would have been better for everyone if he had died at the hands of someone NOT of color.  This makes me so damn angry.

If all these jackasses who are out protesting about abortions killing babies -- and by the way, killing people to prove that they are pro-life -- spent just half that time protesting against drunk driving a whole lotta lives would be saved.

I'm not even listening to the show now -- I hit the MUTE button -- I'm just keeping it on 'cause there's supposed to be something interesting on later.  I'm just so disgusted by the whole situation.

illegal aliens, dui

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