Cardiff year 2: A Retrospective in Pictures

Jun 08, 2008 17:22

I've decided that it's probably easier at this point, an perhaps more pleasant and less whiny, to look back at the last year through the pictures I took rather than writing about it at length, pulling it appart and, as always, focussing on the bad parts rather than the good.  It hasn't been an easy year for me, but there were good times too.  So come with me as we start our journey of looking through almost 30 photos, not at all dial-up friendly:


This is the first photograph I took in my horrid new flat.  A pretty wonderful omen I can assure you.  Yea, every night has been enriched by the fragrant scent of burning cardboard and plastic.

But it wasn't all bad.  I managed to start the year off by looking completely ridiculous at a circus themed party and getting myself a stalker even though I looked like that.

I spent a lot of time in the park, by Cardiff Castle, enjoying the sunshine (or enjoying not being rained upon, which is as close as you get to sunshine a lot of the time).

And I started my illustrious career as a squirrel pornographer (this being one of many squirrel based photographs I have taken.)

I came face to face with the Salmon Of Diasaster.

Bimba got some rats, which were smelly and scrabbly and gave me rat-AIDS all over my arms with their scratchy little claws.  They died mysteriously, probably of cold, in what I call 'The Great Freezing Fucking Cold Imaginary Carbon Monoxide Drama'.  They have since been replaced by another pair of rats that look exactly the same, are possibly even more sickly that live in a cage big enough for an actual monkey to live in comfortably.

Hallowe'en rolled around very quickly.  We went all out and provided a feast.  I went as Eris the Godess of Chaos, which very few people got because a) I kept losing my golden apple and b) people aren't as interested in Ancient Greek mythology as me.  (Row was Bellatrix Lestrange, Bimba a Vampire in a nightdress, Bethan was a Cat and I still have her mask for some reason)  Also: I made the toffee apples.

I made some sexy cakes.  The top one being, I think, banana and walnut cake with a chocolate peanut butter icing, the bottom one being mocha cake with mocha icing.

Christmas came.  I wasn't particularly happy at that point.

Debra visited for an audition at WCMD, but that's a moot point as she got into Cambridge (*iz ded from jealous*)  She collected a layer of moss to keep her warm in the icy dungeon of my room.  After this we went to NI for the Hunt Ball, but more of that later.

Danielle visited for a couple of days.  We went clubbing and found ourselves surrounded by little piggies.  We felt duty bound to violate one with a glowstick.

I discovered red lipstick.  And that my forehead is too freaking large.  If I get a job over the summer maybe I can earn enough money to be able to afford to maintain a fringe/bangs?  it probably wouldn't suit me but I don't think any hair suits my massive squishy face ><

Finally the year drew to a close and I had my last exam.  Row made a cake!  (if you can't read it, it says: We made it! let's get F**KED.  For some reason she let me ice what was supposed to be a rocket, but looks like a little green and red wang - appropriately white, green and red being the welsh colours) and what was supposed represent the moon smiling benevolently, but just looks awful)  I can't do tubes of writing icing.

From times and places that aren't necesarily Cardiff/uni based.

Hunt Ball!  toot toot.

Apparently taking photos in the back of Manda's car is not cool.  Post Hunt Ball lolage.

Drunken photos = awesome.  Look at the squigly lights.

The doll I ruined to illustrate my concept for a postmodern artwork for a cult crit essay. *cough*thatIgotafirston*cough*

I'm mean to Tigger... tee hee.

My chocolate biscuit house that looks like a child made it.  With one hand tied behind its back.  Making this reduced me to tears so I'm displaying it no matter how shit it looks. At least I tried, huh?


What is behind all the strange things that happen in my life: The Monkey.

In other news: I'm going home tomorrow and the dust rising from my infrequently cleaned room is killing me.  I've done a lot of preparing for coming back to pick up the rest of my stuff, but I don't know how much more to do.  Shall I leave the rest of the packing and cleaning to do next saturday, or should I do as much as I can now?  I don't know if I can be arsed wielding the vac when the floor is full of my boxes and bags. 

animals, baking, art, photos, university, mystery explained, friends, family, party

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