Frodo/Arwen segments, Disney Rings

Mar 11, 2011 10:09

Hey, I have to stay sharp somehow! ^__^

"Be safe, Frodo."

She had kissed him then, and laid her soft hand along his jaw, and that touch had burned into his memory hotter than the fires of Mount Doom.

-When Frodo leaves Rivendell.


There were too many elves here. Tall, slender, straight -- Eowyn felt oddly self-conscious even looking at them. And beside her, Frodo was scanning the crowd hungrily for a certain elven lady.

He was pretending he wasn't, of course. But it was useless. Eowyn had been around Frodo long enough to realize that Frodo wore his feelings like the flag of Rohan -- of course, she had not spoken of it to him. Somehow, though she was loathe to admit it, Arwen was the only one that seemed to have made Frodo happy -- in times when no one else could.

She suspected, from the way he spoke of her, that somehow, he could tell her things that he couldn't tell Gandalf, or Aragorn, or even Sam. Closer than friends, closer than even lovers -- somehow, she envied him.

But for the sake of her friendship with Frodo, she kept it buried deep inside.

-At Helm's Deep, when the elves show up.


A light then broke across his angel face and he politely excused himself from Haldir. Eowyn watched Haldir as his lips seemed to quirk in a bit of amusement -- everyone could see it, so why did Frodo keep pretending?

She watched him still, as he and the elven lady slipped into the shadows -- a refuge, of sorts, from war, and pain, and fear.

Legolas' hand was firm on her shoulder. "Lady Eowyn...something troubles you."

She startled; she had almost forgotten that he was there.

"I'm perfectly well," she said. "It's only..." She stared bleakly after Frodo. I want to be able to feel what he feels --

She smothered the thought, instead smiling -- though her smile was strained, almost terrified.

"I worry for the safety of our people."

"We are with you, Eowyn."

She laughed; it was a dismal chuckle. "Then let us pray we last the night."

-More Helm's Deep

I love Aragorn/Arwen deeply, but I can't deny that Frodo/Arwen is equally intriguing. ^__^

disney rings, fanfiction

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