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Mar 03, 2011 07:39

Just watching the ROTK Behind the Scenes, including the feature about Cameron Duncan, the inspiration for "Into the West". I remember when I was first watching the ROTK Behind the Scenes that I'd skip over that bit because it was way, way too sad (cancer's always a sore spot for me. Plus a spot of Paranoia Fuel considering it can strike anyone. :/). But I watched it, and I noticed little details that I hadn't noticed before. The interview clips with Cameron, for instance; he definitely sounds like someone I could have been friends with. :) And the fact that he used to make World War II-esque home movies when he was a kid, which reminded Pete a lot of himself -- that was really cool! :D And it definitely makes the conclusion all the more sadder. :(

Then there's the fact that he got to visit Pete Jackson on set -- considering that I'm starting to dream of him directing one of my movies (or somehow being involved) one day, and came back just...happy and everything, that also means a million. And the fact that Pete and co. supported him for such a long time...

I can't really describe it, but it really comes down to this: number one being living life to the fullest. Even with what happened to him, Cameron just kept going. And number two, what I noticed with Eowyn as well, in terms of his friendship with Peter: that we don't entirely have to go it alone. That sometimes we need each other, and that's okay. (Something that Peter, I believe, captured really well in the LOTR films. :)

That's mostly my take on it so far. How about you? :)

tearjerker, crowning moment of heartwarming, peter jackson = crazy awesome, crowning moment of funny, crowning moment of awesome

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