So, I got out of SOLO...

May 28, 2018 14:48

...and it was much, much better than I expected it would be. (There, I said it!)

Good things:

-Han. Alden Ehrenreich actually did a good job with the part. True, there were parts where he seemed like a separate character from the Han we know, but then again, this isn’t ANH Han. This is Han before a lot of stuff ultimately wore him down. And he had a lot of badass moments - for example, we actually get to see the Kessel Run.

-Qi’ra and Han’s relationship. Not gonna lie, Emilia Clarke and Alden Ehrenreich have a ton of chemistry together, and I actually started shipping them more than Han and Leia. Oh yeah, I said it.

-Dryden Vos. He was evil, but he also proved he had other sides to him, like how much he trusted Qi’ra.

-Maul made one hell of an entrance. I knew Maul would show up because I was spoiled ahead of time, but his entrance was amazing.

-Qi’ra wasn’t as good as Jyn or Rey in the white-brunettes category, but she was definitely a good, well-acted villain. I’d consider her probably Star Wars’ first live action female villain that’s actually good. (Phasma, as much as I love her dearly, was badly treated by The Last Jedi) She’s not really evil; she’s actually got a sympathetic backstory behind her (she and Han grew up as street rats on Corellia under a truly awful regime) and she seems genuinely pained when she has to betray Han. So...bravo, Emilia Clarke. You gave us a really interesting, complex villainess.

-Enfys Nest. What a badass lady. I absolutely adore her.

-The humor really landed. Unlike The Last Jedi, there were actually some funny lines and the humor didn’t feel out of place.

-The emotional moments really landed too. The beginning with Han and Qi’ra getting separated, the scene near the end with Qi’ra looking outside the viewport window separated from Han again, Lando’s droid’s all worked. Really.

Things that bugged me:

-Killing off Thandie Newton’s character. I liked her, so it really sucked that she died.

So overall? I liked it. I recommend you see it.

movie reviews

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