HC Bingo March Amnesty Challenge

Mar 26, 2017 13:51

This time, we have to do a recs challenge. I got the prompts job-related trauma, depression, and stalkers. I decided to add some self-recs there as well just because I found some stuff in there that might fit the prompt.

1. Title: Motherless Day

Author: Davechicken

Summary: Every year, it upsets him.

Rating: G

Pairing: Kylo/Hux

Recommended for the prompt: Depression

Why I'm recommending it: It's a very lovely fic. The characterization of Kylo here is actually really good and really moving, and Hux's characterization is surprising in terms of how deep it is. It's a good examination of these characters and their troubled relationships with their families. I already recommended this fic before in my post "Things I Love About TFA Ships I Don't Ship", but it's worth another recommendation here.

2. Title: Change-Thing

Author: Davechicken

Summary: Kylo is feeling melancholy

Rating: T

Pairing: Kylo/Finn

Recommended for the prompt: Depression

Why I'm recommending it: It's just...good, it really is. Finn's voice is really well-captured, and the examination of Kylo's borderline obsessive hatred of Finn is well-done. I don't usually ship this ship, but Davechicken actually made it plausible.

3. Title: When Nightmares Don't End

Author: EsmeAmelia

Summary: Ben Solo's nightmares worry his parents, but what can they do?

Rating: T

Recommended for the prompt: Stalkers

Why I'm recommending it: I already waxed poetic about how good EsmeAmelia is for the Snowflake Challenge, but it's definitely worth repeating here. She captures young Ben Solo beautifully and poignantly, as well as the sheer terror that is Snoke. She really captures that feeling of Snoke being like the boogeyman, as well as the additional stress of Leia's job. This was one of the first fics by her I read, and it's still an awesome fic. It feels very Stephen King-ish in a way.

4. Title: Flinch

Author: Davechicken

Summary: Kylo is feeling fragile, after a "training" session with the Leader. Hux is not happy about what Snoke is doing.

Rating: M

Pairing: Kylo/Hux

Warnings: Abuse

Recommended for the prompt: Job-related trauma

Why I'm recommending it: Because she really gets into Kylo's mindset really well. Snoke's "training" isn't shown, but in a way, it doesn't need to be. You get the idea just from Kylo's reaction and Hux's anger over what's happened. And it's generally just poignant and effective.

5. Title: Scathed

Summary: Kylo wishes Poe wouldn't put himself in danger.

Rating: E

Pairing: Kylo/Poe

Warnings: Description of combat injuries.

Recommended for the prompt: Job-related trauma

Why I'm recommending it: I actually anonymously requested this on Tumblr. It's in a 'verse where Kylo Ren is the Emperor and Poe Dameron is his best pilot, and something that struck me about this request (besides the absolute squee factor of having it filled out) is the sheer love and tenderness evident in this pair. They're very much on the Dark Side here, but they're also deeply in love, and Kylo's sheer adoration and care for Poe really shines through.

6. Title: Carth and Revan, Post-Taris

Artist: Jiolee

Pairing: Revan/Carth

Recommended for the prompt: Job-related trauma

Why I'm recommending it: This is a beautiful, poignant drawing. The poses are done really well, and you can feel the emotion coming through. I can't draw poses to save my life, so I really envy this artist! (Also, man I miss playing KOTOR. And KOTOR II)

7. Title: Containment

Summary: Kylo needs Poe to leave.

Rating: E

Pairing: Kylo/Poe

Recommended for the prompt: Job-related trauma

Why I'm recommending it: Because it's a beautifully rendered fic that nicely encapsulates Kylo's own trauma and Poe's gentleness. (It's part of a larger verse as well, with Poe as the Emperor and Kylo as his Knight -- long story)

8. Title: Jamie x Rachel || Don't Stop Dancing

Vidder: xImpossibleGirlx

Relationship: Jamie + Rachel

Warnings: Slasher movie violence, implied sexual abuse by a third party in one scene (implied, but I thought I'd put the warning there just in case).

Recommended for the prompt: Stalkers

Why I'm recommending it: xImpossibleGirlx is incredibly talented and her videos have a gift for making you feel the emotion along with the characters. It's a lot like watching a movie in its own right. She knows how to use effects as well to visualize the lyrics (I know she's actually been a huge influence on my icon-making), and it shows the more tender side of one of my favorite franchises -- the relationship between Jamie Lloyd and Rachel Carruthers is a genuinely lovely one despite being shortlived on screen.

9. Title: Heart of a Princess

Author: EsmeAmelia

Pairing: Ben Solo/OFC (mentioned).

Summary: AU. Leia wakes up in a hospital and discovers something shocking. Written in honor of Carrie Fisher. NOW A TWO PARTER.

Recommended for the prompt: Job-related trauma.

Why I'm recommending it: A beautiful tribute to Carrie Fisher, just a good family fic (and a good AU where Ben Solo didn't fall to the Dark Side), and just an overall lovely fic.

10. Title: The Memory Garden

Author: coldthermistor

Characters: MRevan, Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, Jolee Bindo

Summary: A single garden is the connection between a former Sith Lord, and a Jedi Master and his Padawan. M!Revan.

Recommended for the prompt: Job-related trauma.

Why I'm recommending it: Malak gets kind of a raw deal in the original KOTOR game, and it's nice to have some closure in regards to a part in the game that, in my opinion, wasn't handled too well by the developers.

11. Title: Wounded

Artist: aimo

Characters: FRevan, Malak

Description: Female Revan screaming for a medic while a wounded Malak clings to her.

Warnings: Blood, gore, graphic depictions of violence.

Recommended for the prompt: Job-related trauma

Why I'm recommending it: The intensity of the emotion in this bit of artwork is absolutely astounding (female Revan's expression is well-drawn), and the concept behind it -- female Revan and Malak's friendship before things really went bad -- is incredibly moving.

12. Title: Angel

Author: idrilhadhafang

Rating: M

Pairing: Poe Dameron/Ben Solo

Summary: Ten moments from Ben Solo and Poe Dameron's relationship.

Warnings: Description of injuries, mention of torture.

Recommended for the prompt: Job-related trauma

Why I'm recommending it: I know I'm being a bit vain here, but I actually like this one. I think it's one of those works where I think I managed to get Poe's voice down, which isn't an easy feat.

13. Title: for purchase, for gravity

Author: sublime_jumbles

Rating: NR

Pairing: Finn/Rey/Poe

Summary: Not for the first time, Poe takes stock of himself, standing at the sink of his quarters' tiny kitchenette at three am in the dark, cradling a tub of ice cream, and wonders how he got here.

Warnings: Unhealthy coping mechanisms regarding food.

Recommended for the prompt: Job-related trauma.

Why I'm recommending it: It really helps get into Poe's headspace as well as Rey's and Finn's post the events of TFA, and it does it very well, in my opinion.

14. Title: Taral

Author: idrilhadhafang

Summary: Ten facts in a universe where Poe Dameron joined the Knights of Ren.

Rating: E

Warnings: Graphic depictions of violence.

Recommended for the prompt: Job-related trauma.

Why I'm recommending it: This was actually a premise I was tossing around for some time, and I think I did an okay job with it.

15. Title: You're Just Like Me

Artist: Luvisia

Description: The scene in Halloween 5 where Michael unmasks for Jamie and sheds a tear.

Recommended for the prompt: Stalkers.

Why I'm recommending it: Not gonna lie, that part of Halloween 5 really got to me the first time I watched it, and the lineart that Luvisia has really captures the moment beautifully.

hurt comfort bingo, hadhafang is a vain bitch

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