...and it was a great movie!
Things that were awesome:
-The opening scene. Made. Of Awesome. The dialogue, the action, the unsettling opening image of Picard's nightmare-within-a-nightmare, everything, actually! Not to mention Picard using his Borg knowledge to help blow up two of their cubes, the Enterprise coming to the Defiant's aid, the bit of banter between Worf and Riker, and the initial shock of seeing what exactly the Borg did to Earth. I mean, nine million population, all Borg? That's terrifying.
-The scene of the Borg infiltrating the Enterprise was really well-set-up. Complete with the initial report of Worf talking about the humidity, and losing contact with Deck Six, which was a nice Oh Crap moment, the sound of the Borg in Picard's mind (which really is like something out of a horror film. A lot of things about the Borg are honestly like something out of a horror film), and a pretty funny/awesome moment with the EMH's cameo and him prescribing skin treatments for the Borg to distract them so Crusher and co. can get away. (Also, way to go, Crusher!)
-Lily. She was great. Her getting Picard to come to his senses when he goes off the deep end was a wonderful moment.
-Drunk. Counselor. Troi. That was a thing of beauty and wonder. I mean, the whole "we don't have time" thing, vehemently denying that she's drunk, and saying about Cochrane that he's nuts...it's amazing, really. It's just hilarious.
It's really weird that even with Data's comedic antics in Generations and Troi getting drunk in First Contact , unlike with The Final Frontier, they don't feel forced. They just feel organic.
-Speaking of Zefram Cochrane, and continuing on from the theme of actors-I-first-saw-in-horror-movies-before-seeing-them-in-Star-Trek, first time I saw James Cromwell was in the 2004 version of Salem's Lot. He played Father Callahan. So that was definitely something, seeing Father Callahan as a future space trailblazer.
-Picard's darker streak was actually very well-handled. People talk about his gunning down the Borg on the holodeck, but I think it came earlier in the film, actually.
There really was something about the quiet intensity in his eyes and voice that was genuinely chilling. And it comes to a head when he refuses to blow up the Enterprise to stop the Borg. I admit that the "No! Noooooo!" bit was ruined a little by Memetic Mutation, but the rest of the scene was incredibly effective. You can definitely feel the anger, anguish and utter hatred in Patrick Stewart's voice without him going over the top. And the thing is, I can completely understand where he's coming from. I mean, I talked about in my Generations review how the Borg ruined so many lives, and Picard got a pretty bad one there. Honestly, if I were Picard, I would have been having a lot of nightmares first time I got free of the Borg. And like I say below, what makes things even worse is that somehow, the Borg think they're making others better. Yeah, the deaths of Soran's family, Seven of Nine getting assimilated as a little girl, things like that -- all with the Borg having this idea that somehow, they're making other species better. It's pretty chilling stuff, honestly.
-While we're on the subject, the Borg Queen's interactions with Data and Picard were pretty much full of sexual tension. I mean, holy shit. I talked before about Sybok getting handsy with J'onn the farmer and McCoy. The Borg Queen decided to come along and top that. There was Data basically being splayed out on this table after he's been captured, there's the Borg Queen trying to, well, stimulate him and later kissing him. The scene also had a good discussion between Data and the Borg Queen in general, with her talking about how they really aren't that different, how they're seeking to better themselves, etc. It's pretty creepy, in a way, how even with all the lives they destroy, the Borg somehow think that they're doing people a favor. Nothing's creepier than a villain who thinks they're somehow making people better, methinks. Or scarier, or, for that matter, more realistic.
And Picard...well, she gets very handsy with him as well. Very feel-y. And then there's Picard's revelation of what exactly she wanted with him (basically, she wanted an equal, not just another drone) and his offer to go back with her if she spares Data -- of course, Data stays and carries out the absolutely awesome "Resistance is futile" echo before he and Picard proceed to defeat the Borg Queen. (Also, truly horrifying death! Interesting thing is that even after she tried to assimilate him, Data mourns for her, calling her "unique" and saying that in a way, she assisted him towards becoming more human -- which, in an earlier scene, the Borg Queen said was what he wanted, even calling him a contradiction in that regard. Poor Data -- from what I heard of TNG, he goes through a lot of shit in that regard, even prior to Generations. Really does make the Borg Queen's talk with him, and her offer, actually pretty sad. Again, poor Data) I guess the question is, why did she want a companion, of sorts? And of all the people on the Enterprise she really could have picked anyone. Picard, Riker, Troi, Crusher (although it would have the odd side-effect of the Borg Queen basically becoming Wesley Crusher's stepmother, which...would have made for quite the alternate ending to "Best of Both Worlds"), Geordi, anyone. Why Picard? Anyway, when she says, "Welcome home, Locutus" she kind of caresses Picard's face. So it's clear she had kind of a thing for him.
-The ending, with Cochrane making first contact (Title Drop alert) with the Vulcans. That was a really incredible sequence, what with Cochrane's utter awe, and after his difficulty making the Vulcan salute, shaking the ambassador's hand. The whole crowd looking awed also really clinched the scene, really made it even more awesome. And it definitely shows how far Cochrane's come, considering how he was in the beginning. Later leads into a funny moment with the last we see of Cochrane being him introducing the Vulcans to his rock music.
Honestly? Great movie. So far, best of the TNG ones. ( Generations is in second place. Now we'll have to see how Insurrection and Nemesis go -- insert more cries of "Why, why would you do that to yourself" here)
So overall? Awesome movie. Definitely recommended.