So I *finally* saw The Force Awakens...

Dec 29, 2015 13:27

...and it was good! Really good, actually. I enjoyed it.

A long time ago in a galaxy far far a -- spoilers! )

movie reviews, straight up awesome

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RE: Response part 3 ladyhadhafang January 6 2016, 02:41:18 UTC
*That* would have been awesome with Starkiller Base, actually! :D I mean, just imagine it, temporarily shut down, but what happens when it gets started back up again and all...that would have been terrifying.

*Chuckles* Yeah. Maybe that was a bit intentional, but Domnhall Gleeson did get pretty hammy.

That was the Hosnian system, apparently. Yeah, they should have dealt with it a little more in-film, but hopefully, we might get more of an exploration of it in episode eight, at least. But yeah, it does just kind of feel there as a story beat, like you said.

And *yes*, BB-8 was awesome! And that "thumbs up" moment was one of my personal favorites of the movie -- I think one of my favorite things about BB-8 was that they didn't make him too much like Artoo design-wise, and they managed to do a lot with his body language, like the thumbs-up scene, or him hiding behind Han when they're cornered by some old "friends" of Han's.

Good point about Snoke. Even his theme actually sounds really similar to Palpatine's in the first scene he's in -- mixed a little bit with the theme in ROTS when Palpatine's telling Anakin about Plagueis. That said, I think they could definitely do some interesting things with the guy -- Andy Serkis mentioned Snoke had some vulnerability to him, which I am really curious about. I'm guessing that it was something that didn't make it into the finished film.

And yeah, despite some flaws, the movie was wonderful. And I know, right? 2017 can *not* come soon enough! :D


Re: Response part 3 arkan2 January 11 2016, 20:30:54 UTC
They did a good job with BB-8 hearkening back to Artoo while still making him his own character. It can't be easy creating such an inhuman character whose main appeal is in gestures rather than dialogue. It worked with Artoo before, and it's kind of amazing that it worked again - in a very different way - with BB-8.

I can believe that about Snoke having a vulnerable side, and that it either didn't make the cut for this film, or was deliberately held back for Episodes VIII and IX. And who knows, maybe they'll expand his character in a way which makes it clear he is something very different from Palpatine, and in hindsight, he'll seem less like a lazy knock-off in Force Awakens. I'm open to that possibility.

Definitely anxious for VIII, though in the meantime, I'm also looking forward to Rogue One. To me it seems a more intrinsically interesting story than movies about Boba Fett or Young Han, and I'm excited to see what the film crew does with it.


Re: Response part 3 ladyhadhafang January 11 2016, 21:32:32 UTC
I know, right? :D They did an amazing job with BB-8. He might as well be the new Artoo for this generation. :)

As far as I know (although I won't really know until they release the DVD for The Force Awakens and we see the deleted scenes), I didn't see it in the novelization, so I think that Snoke's vulnerable side might be reserved for future movies as a twist or something.

I am too! I mean, they've apparently got Alan Tudyk onboard, so that was a definite sign-me-up moment.


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