NaNoWriMo updates.

Nov 28, 2014 11:32

Currently have 67,668 words and finally, a title. "We Are Legend". Which I am relieved to finally have. Also, holy smokes am I emotionally tired out. I figured that writing this wasn't going to be a walk in the park, but I feel like I have to shrug it off for quite a while. Didn't really help that I had to do some research for certain interrogation methods Ventress uses on Han and co. (I know, but it was necessary, plot-wise. Needless to say, the article on them was, in my opinion, pretty disturbing.) and get into Han's head when he's about to accept his fate. And the fact I added a certain other person to be frozen with Han, which I'm not looking forward to writing tomorrow, let's say that. Still, I think I did good for the day. Pretty good. And now I'm going to try and shrug this one off...

nanowrimo updates

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