30 Days Of My Current Writing Project, Day Fourteen

May 29, 2013 13:27

Introduce us to your minor characters

Well, there's Benjamin Sonnenburg, the future leader of the Resistance against Azra and Rage, Sarah, his assistant/closest friend, Cal, who's sort of a mirror image for Sarah in the case of Azra back when he's Darren Morgan, Astrid's friend that Gareth, her initial mentor, trusts with her safety, Gareth, who's mostly there to temporarily play the Obi-Wan role to Astrid, and James, one of the more villainous sort of characters in the order that Tobias was once part of who...I confess, he kind of makes me feel like I need a shower. But yeah, they're pretty fascinating. :)

Favorite character to write about?

Least favourite character to write about?

Introduce us to your writing process




How often do you write? In what environment?

What stage of writing are you at?

Music you write to

Cast real people as characters

Ten best things about this story

Ten hardest scenes to write

What are you going to do with it when it's done?

Who has read this story? Or heard about it? Does anyone know you're writing?


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