Well, to be honest, my main writing project really isn't that special. Basically, it sort of hinges on the idea of Earth being sort of a parallel dimension, and another dimension being called Gaea (sort of like Pangaea -- the old version of Earth before it split off into continents), and one girl with empathic powers being sent to Earth before she's ready to battle the Empire. (Yeah, I know, it's not terribly original. It's fun to write, though. :)
And another one is just a novel that I'm writing for my Mom to read. Can't say I've figured out the plot yet, but then again, plot is not one of my major strengths. Characters and emotion I can do, but plot, not so much. Which is kind of a problem considering that most...well, a lot of people seem to put a lot of importance on plot, really. (Then again, I've sort of gotten used to the idea that maybe my work won't be terribly well-liked by the general public. And I'm...semi-fine with that)
Is this story in a series? Tell us about its sequels and prequels
Style, techniques and point of view
Introduce us to a main character
Introduce us to the environment this story takes place in
Introduce us to another main character
Introduce us to the rest of your main characters
Introduce us to your minor characters
Favorite character to write about?
Least favourite character to write about?
Introduce us to your writing process
How often do you write? In what environment?
What stage of writing are you at?
Music you write to
Cast real people as characters
Ten best things about this story
Ten hardest scenes to write
What are you going to do with it when it's done?
Who has read this story? Or heard about it? Does anyone know you're writing?
Post a chapter for everyone to read