Current status of the USS Hadhafang.

Apr 22, 2013 21:31

Doing okay for the most part. A little tired. Having a few worries about...well, a lot of things, but generally fine.

On the bright side, watched the DOCTOR WHO episode "The Power of Three". Awesome episode. Seriously, awesome.

First off, I loved the concept of the invading cubes, and really liked the news broadcasts and such; it really reminded me of the RTD-era. Which was pretty awesome, really. Also, the way that they built up the tension. Cubes that seem to sit around a lot shouldn't be terrifying, and yet at the same time, they really, honestly are. Just the building of tension and such, as well as when they actually started coming to life, doing that little countdown thing...and the fact that even though there seemed to be nothing in those boxes didn't really mean that there was really nothing in those boxes. Because they end up causing people to go into cardiac arrest. And the holointerface for the Shakri (the invading aliens using the cubes) has this reasoning that's even more chilling -- because they see humanity as no more than a contagion, and capable of violence...all that stuff. Made chilling because I believe there may be people out there that actually think the way the Shakri does -- that humans are no more than a contagion, a virus, and need to be destroyed. Perhaps it is just me, but I kind of find it scary. True, there are violent members of our species, but for every violent one, there is always a kind one. And I think that that's a very important thing to keep in mind. I know that I've been trying to keep that in mind, because I know if I don't...well, I'll probably collapse. And really, is that need to serve the Tally worth killing innocent people just going about their lives?


Sorry, that got depressing quick. Here's some STAR TREK humor:

And back on topic.

But on the other hand, the Doctor made a wonderful speech in regards to how wonderful human beings can be. I'm not certain if he's right that we learn from our mistakes (if nothing else, we in general seem to be really bad at learning from them. Then again, I suppose I am being a tad harsh. And a tad jaded), but the speech was lovely nonetheless. And Amy's narration about the Power of Three (and hai there, Title Drop!) was also very lovely. I think if nothing else, fundamentally, DOCTOR WHO exists to skewer the more...nihilistic viewpoint some have, and this episode is no exception. Also loved how the Doctor ultimately programmed the cubes to do his bidding and revive the others. That was pretty freaking awesome. <3

I also loved the little bits of humor in there, such as Rory's complaint when the soldiers show up at his and Amy's house. "There are soldiers around my house and I'm in my pants!" Oh, Rory. XD And Kate Stewart's apology for the soldiers' seeming rudeness. And the bit about Amy accidentally wedding King Louis on her and Rory's wedding anniversary. And when the Doctor is complaining about having one heart -- true, it was in the midst of a tense scene, but his "How do you people manage?" and Amy's reaction...that was absolutely priceless. Also, the Doctor alleviating the seeming boredom of watching the cubes (yeah, be careful what you wish for, Doctor) by playing soccer, doing household chores...honestly, he should come over to my house sometime; my mom would absolutely love him. :) * And the matter of the Doctor sneaking up on Amy with a bouquet of flowers and, earlier than that, when they're hiding under the bed (it's during the whole oh-dear-Amy-accidentally-got-married-to-King-Louis thing), the Doctor sneezes, and Rory just facepalms. XD (I swear, Rory has the best facepalms) Also, the matter of Rory intruding on his dad's log, and "Take Your Dad To Work" day. And when one Cube is playing the Chicken Dance song, Eleven just plugging his ears. And when Amy points out how odd it is having the Shakri as a Gallifreyan bedtime story/scare 'me straight fairytale/legend, the Doctor saying, "You're one to talk. Wolf in your grandmother's nightdress?" (I can so see Eleven shaking his head in disbelief reading LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD. "Honestly, furry, sharp teeth, growly voice and she doesn't notice? This has to be some sort of farce...")

Not to mention, it had some really wonderful, very quiet moments too. For example, Amy and Eleven's conversation when they're outside the base looking over the water, and they're discussing the matter of Amy and Rory making a decision about what life they want, basically. I know that some of Eleven's dialogue really got to me, such as Amy being the first face that "this face" saw. And her being this seared into his hearts. And, "I'm running to [you and Rory] before you fade from me."'s one of those lines that is "ouch" and "awwww" at the same time, and it helps/doesn't help that sometimes...well, there are moments that I've felt that way as well. It's not a pleasant feeling. And I think it's one of those reasons that I connect that much with the Doctor. Because...well, I think we're both a little lonely on occasion (although saying the Doctor is a little lonely is like saying deserts are a tad dry), and seeing that...well, I think it's one of those reasons I love DOCTOR WHO. Because it really taps into how people feel, what they experience, and that, I think, is one of the hallmarks of good fiction. Because if you can make people feel something, somehow, then you've done your job.


And now I got a tad emotional, really. Sorry. I'm kind of a bundle of emotions about fiction. People go on about character and plot, and while those are all well and good, but they really aren't anything without emotion. Or passion (which I think a lot of DOCTOR WHO has). If you feel something about your work, if you love what you do...well, that matters most, doesn't it?

But back on topic.

I also loved the conversation between Eleven and Brian earlier about his previous companions, those who lost their memory (Donna), left (Martha), got left behind (Rose) and the rare who died (Adric, and...well, Amy and Rory, in a way). Something about that really hurt my heart, and Matt Smith's delivery didn't really help either. And later, Eleven's farewell to Kate Stewart (and Kate talking about her father), and his talk with Brian, especially Brian encouraging Amy and Rory to go out, to adventure, to save worlds and such, because how many people get to do that? And him asking Eleven to bring Amy and Rory home safely (which...yeah, next episode. I'm sure the "P.S." thing might make things better, and at least Amy and Rory lived happily ever after in the end, but the idea of how Brian will react when he finds out what happened to Amy and Rory...yeah, it hurts my heart. Because he loved them both, and the idea of finding out they were taken back in time where he can never see them again...yeah. Then again..."P.S."). Hell, I think Brian might be my new favorite character in DOCTOR WHO; he's definitely part of the favorite characters pantheon, really. I mean, he's funny, he's kind, he's friendly, he's brilliant...I only wish we could see more of him. That and his telling Eleven why he can't go with them; "someone has to water the plants".

Honestly, this was just an amazing episode. Funny, frightening, sweet on was just amazing.

* He actually does remind me of my mom on the cleaning front, except my mom mostly cleans when she's upset, not necessarily when she's bored. And considering the fact it apparently helps cheer you up when you're upset, she's definitely onto something.

So overall? Loved it. Definitely recommended. 

doctor who, reviews

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