Generally doing okay. Have some ear/sinus problems, but considering that it's "allergy season" (as we typically call it), that's not surprising. :/ Brother is going on a bit of a field trip, of sorts, and my dad will be out too, so my mom and I will have the house to ourselves. (Which...pretty damn awesome, really)
Only real downside is that my brother will miss the episode after, "Flesh and Stone". (Yes, we watched "The Time of Angels" today. Rewatched, in my case) We sort of compromised by having my mom help catch up with some of the episodes she missed while she was on a business trip, and resume "Flesh and Stone" when my brother gets back. (I think my only problem may be becoming overwhelmed with feels all over again. Timothy Latimer, Martha Jones, Dalek Sec...things like that. The Moffat era is amazing, but I still miss the RTD era. The social commentary, the villains, the camp, the emotion, Rose Tyler, Martha Jones...things like that. The Moffat era is still amazing, though. :)
But I'm rambling now. What did I think of "The Time of Angels"? Loved it. Seriousl
First time I watched this episode was...I dunno, some time around Halloween? Anyway, loved the episode all around, and while it sort of lost its fear a bit thanks to my mom and my brother's commentary, it's still a really well-crafted story. I know scenes like Amy and the Weeping Angel and the Angels seizing Bob and the others were still really chilling scenes. I know stuff like the Angel using Bob's voice in order to taunt the Doctor about not being able to save Bob, failing him, even...
ouch. And earlier, one of the Angels luring Bob away by speaking with one of the crewmembers' voices...brrr. *Shivers* I remember that my brother actually sort of yelled at the Doctor and the others for seemingly leaving Bob behind, and while I wouldn't say that...yeah. Bob's fate was just... :(
Not to mention when the team realizes exactly where the hell they are. Double "brrrr". I mean, I already said that the Angels are made of "brrrr", but...yeah, brrrr. (I guess the only question is why they would need bodies and such; I mean, they don't need bodies, do they? Still, really well-done scenes)
Still, amidst the horror, there was plenty of humor. I know stuff like, "Ooh, Doctor, you soniced her!"...oh, Amy. *Giggles* *Sighs* I am really going to miss you. :( Not to mention the matter of "space teeth", and Amy being a bit of a Shipper on Deck for River and the Doctor. Also really, seriously cute. :3 And River's "this is the part where you come up with a good idea" thing; that was also really funny, even in the midst of a really tense situation. Not to mention some really poignant moments, such as Father Octavian (fucking. Love. Him. <3) and his What The Hell Hero to the Doctor regarding "When you get in your blue box and float away, I'll explain things to the victims' families." *Ouch*. A really simple, but powerful line, showing that these guys weren't just Red Shirts for the Angels to pick off; these guys were *people*. And to make things worse, the Angels are talking in *their* voices, probably for no other reason than For the Evulz. (These are the same assholes who had Amy count down from ten to her *death* in her head just for shits and giggles, and River even says they're trying to make the Doctor angry. I'd call the Weeping Angels the Trolls of the Whoniverse, but there really aren't any lulz involved. Except for them. * ) It really hammers home the point of "no one is ever unimportant" (a very important lesson, I think. Some people just don't think like that nowadays), while giving a look into the Doctor's psyche. He already plenty beats himself up over the deaths of other people (see Davros' one of many Kick the Dog moments in "Journey's End" when he guilt-trips the Doctor about the people who have died "in his name". Even when he probably made some of them better. Luke Rattigan, for example); Doctor Octavian's remark only reminds him of it, and painfully. So yeah, amazing line.
I also love River's escape from the ship (best. Escape. Ever. <3), Amy and Eleven at the museum, Amy's excitement about actually getting to go to a *planet* and...well, a lot more. Honestly, this episode was amazing. After all this time, it still holds up.
* I mean, the Empress of the Racnoss was kind of like that too -- that sort of childlike For the Lulz personality with a side of I'm A Hungry Giant Spider That Eats Planets But That's Not My Fault. There was a bit of immaturity in her personality (treating Donna and Lance's impending doom like she was playing with dolls), but there was some nobility in her personality (such as being displeased with Lance's treatment of Donna) and pathos (when the Doctor ends up killing her children -- also adds to a nice bit of characterization for the Doctor and Donna both). There are no such redeeming qualities with the Angels. Not a one-is-better-than-the-other thing; just an observation. It's kind of interesting seeing the comparisons between the two. RTD tended to make his villains kind of despicable bastards, but give them an edge of sympathy, while Moffat's villains tend to be more forces of nature, the boogeymen, or sort of Oblivious Villains. Sort of interesting to see how they're the same and yet different, really. But I digress.
So overall? Fucking awesome. Definitely recommended. :)