Catching up on DOCTOR WHO.

Feb 23, 2013 23:10

Did a bit of a triple feature tonight (thanks in part to (a) me having a rather bad day, and (b) my brother wanting to watch the episode with the Carrionites). Basically, yes, we are on Season Three now, obviously. Was initially a bit nervous (I mean, I love Donna and Martha, but there was a part of me still really missing Rose. Personally, I'd love to see all three in the TARDIS. Along with Amy, Rory, Clara and River, but I digress. :), but let's say that watching these episodes, I'm starting to fall in love with Martha and Donna all over again.

We got a bit of a trailer for TORCHWOOD on "The Runaway Bride" DVD. I sadly have not gotten around to watching TORCHWOOD yet (my only real experience with it has been the wonderful but heartbreaking "Children of Earth"), but I really should. Anyway, basically, "The Runaway Bride" is kind of dealing with the consequences of "Doomsday", also known as "The Doctor is barely finished grieving when a bride suddenly appears on the TARDIS".

So, to start with? I really loved Donna here. Seriously -- I know some people sadly found her annoying in her first appearance (hell, even RTD himself expressed some hesitance about making her a full-on companion because he was worried about her getting on the audience's nerves), but I loved her. I found her interactions with the Doctor hilarious (e.g. calling him "Martian". XD), and, on occasion, really touching. I loved her scene at the end of the episode when she's telling the Doctor to find someone:

DOCTOR: I don't need anyone.

DONNA: I think you do. Because sometimes, I think you need someone to stop you.

I think she was right on the money, to be honest. Especially given the revelation that in "Turn Left", if she hadn't been there, he would have drowned along with the Racnoss. Sort of a case of him not caring about his own death -- after all, after Canary Wharf, he's lost everything he ever wanted. And if Donna hadn't saved him in that place, if she hasn't told him he could leave...the world would have been doomed. The whole world's fate, balanced, in a way, on one act of compassion. And I think in a way it foreshadows why Donna would work as a companion. For example, after the Christmas tree and the robot Santas have made their attack, Donna is more concerned about the people who were possibly hurt. Hell, Donna shows a lot of vulnerability and empathy in this episode -- even my mom ended up liking her by the end. She's sort of like movie!Boromir in some ways -- seeming initially tough on the outside, but when you get down to it, she really is a good soul. Which really makes it hurt more when Lance betrays her -- I knew it was coming, but it didn't mean it didn't hurt (yeah, seriously, making Donna cry? That's not okay. Even the Empress of the Racnoss wasn't happy with Lance after that). Thank God for the Empress, I think...

There's also the matter of the Racnoss Empress herself. Besides chewing a lot of scenery, one thing that struck me about her was her almost childlike mentality. Treating Lance and Donna's imprisonment sort of like a game, in a way, and talking about them both -- it felt almost, to me, like a child playing with their toys. Which really kind of makes it creepier. 0.0. And yet in spite of what she's been doing, when the Doctor unleashes the flood really feel bad for her. I know my mom did. And I think that was the point, really -- showing that without Rose...well, Ten has all but become Nine again, in a way, if not worse. Thank goodness for Donna.

Honestly, "The Runaway Bride" was amazing. I recommend you give it a watch. (Warning: Considering this is basically "Doomsday, Part Three", even in between the laughs, you might find some tears)

There's also "Smith and Jones". I loved Martha's interactions with the Doctor, as well as...well, Martha herself. Kind, clever, funny, friendly, and her sort of wide-eyed wonder at being on the moon was...well, really endearing. Not to mention the moments of humor in there (such as the Doctor doing the shake-out-radiation dance *, especially Martha's reaction. XD). Plus, the Judoon. If you crossed Inspector Javert with the Kangaroo Court trials on Cardassia, you'd get them. (Except probably worse -- at least Cardassians give you the option of a trial. The Judoon just shoot you) And the plasmavore...seriously chilling. *Shivers* Although I loved the Doctor giving her a Hoist By Her Own Petard moment (with Martha's help). And the Doctor carrying Martha out of the room as the oxygen level drops. Also, Martha? You are a saint for putting up with your family like that. Seriously.

As for "The Shakespeare Code"...where do I begin? I mean, great villains, great moments of humor (for example, the whole butterfly conversation between Martha and the Doctor. XD), some emotional moments (Shakespeare talking about his son, the Doctor helping poor Peter -- it's one of those moments where I love the Doctor. :), even some quieter wibble moments, such as Shakespeare noticing how Martha feels about the Doctor (seriously, poor Martha. :( She really did love him, even though he didn't notice. **). Also loved Shakespeare defeating the Carrionites, Martha's early fangirling over Shakespeare (it's really one of her most endearing moments, really), and the ending with Queen Elizabeth. That was priceless. XD Also, Martha saving the day with HARRY POTTER! :D Did I mention I adore this show? :)

* Although considering "The End of Time"... *Sighs* This is getting depressing. Here's a LOLcat:

** Or perhaps he did but didn't want to fall in love again? Then again, perhaps he just didn't see her the same way. Or all of the above.

So overall? Love. These. Episodes. So recommended. <3

tearjerker, crowning moment of heartwarming, theme, high octane nightmare fuel, plot, doctor who, crowning moment of funny, characterization, reviews, crowning moment of awesome

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