From sunnytyler001. :)

Feb 18, 2013 17:29

Give me a tv show/film and I'll tell you:

favourite female character:

favourite male character:

least favourite female character:

least favourite male character:

favourite ship:

least favourite ship:

film/tv show rating: /10


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Comments 12

wake_the_dragon February 18 2013, 22:31:04 UTC
Star Wars

Harry Potter


Part One ladyhadhafang February 18 2013, 22:43:32 UTC
favourite female character: Padme Amidala. Because she is just so damn cool. Leia comes a close second. Also, Shmi Skywalker.

favourite male character: Anakin Skywalker. Because he's just so damn layered and compelling. He's not the typical hero or villain, and it's one of many reasons I love him. Also, Qui-Gon, Dooku, Grievous, etc.

least favourite female character: I'll admit, I can't really think of any.

least favourite male character: On occasion, Yoda.

favourite ship: Anakin/Padme.

least favourite ship: Obi-Wan/Padme. Call it a case of "not my thing".

film/tv show rating: Overall? I say 10/10. Because it's made of awesome.


Part Two ladyhadhafang February 18 2013, 22:47:30 UTC
favourite female character: Hermione, Ginny, Luna, McGonagall, Bellatrix.

favourite male character: Harry, Ron, Fred and George, Lupin, Sirius.

least favourite female character: Petunia, though she got better later. Also Umbridge.

least favourite male character: Snape, at first. He got better, though.

favourite ship: Harry/Ginny.

least favourite ship: Ron/Hermione. Call it a case of not entirely feeling it; it's not bad, though.

film/tv show rating: 9/10. Has its flaws, but is overall pretty awesome. :)


Re: Part One wake_the_dragon February 18 2013, 22:55:30 UTC
Alright, someone else who doesn't hate the prequels!

I like Anakin and Padme too, and Qui-Gon. I'm not that big a fan of Grievous though I'd liked him in the Clone Wars shorts.


angel_in_tears February 19 2013, 05:37:00 UTC
ladyhadhafang February 19 2013, 12:54:00 UTC

favourite female character: Kahlan. I just love Kahlan. Also, Jennsen, because she's adorable. And Cara is ridiculously cool.

favourite male character: Richard, Zedd, Darken Rahl (because he's such an awesome villain).

least favourite female character: I can't say, TBH.

least favourite male character: Nicolas. Sweet heavenly Jesus, Nicolas.

favourite ship: Richard/Kahlan.

least favourite ship: Probably Richard/Denna, at least in "Denna".

film/tv show rating: 9/10. Because it's amazing.


angel_in_tears February 19 2013, 23:59:25 UTC
ladyhadhafang February 19 2013, 12:59:36 UTC

favourite female character: Arwen, Eowyn, Galadriel.

favourite male character: Frodo, Aragorn, Faramir, Boromir, Sam, Merry, Pippin, Gollum, Gandalf, Elrond, Theoden.

least favourite female character: Probably Shelob. A.k.a. one of my many nightmares.

least favourite male character: Denethor, for some of his actions regarding Faramir, and Saruman, because though he's an awesome villain...yeah, he scares me. And Wormtongue, although he has his sympathetic moments. And the Mouth of Sauron.

favourite ship: Aragorn/Arwen.

least favourite ship: Can't say I have one.

film/tv show rating: 10/10. Kickass. 'Nuff said. <3


mierke February 19 2013, 11:37:21 UTC
Doctor Who

Hunger Games?


Part One ladyhadhafang February 19 2013, 12:31:30 UTC

favourite female character: Rose Tyler, Martha Jones, Donna Noble, Sarah Jane Smith, Jackie Tyler, Amy Pond, Idris, River Song, Oswin Oswald. And in Classic Who, I'm pretty fond of Tegan, Nyssa and Jo so far.

favourite male character: The Doctor, Jack Harkness, Mickey, the Master, Rory. Also like Harry Sullivan from what I've heard (the GENESIS OF THE DALEKS audiobook) and Adric (LOGOPOLIS audiobook).

least favourite female character: Probably Madame Kovarian. Great character, but I hate what she did to Amy, Rory, River and the Doctor.

least favourite male character: Rassilon. Great villain, but holy hell is he despicable.

favourite ship: Doctor/Rose, Doctor/River, Doctor/Master, Amy/Rory, Martha/Jack.

least favourite ship: Doctor/Donna and Doctor/Martha. They're not terrible ships, but I think they're better as pals.

film/tv show rating: 10/10. Amazing storytelling, characterization,'s just a masterpiece. <3 It's really influenced a lot of my storytelling and characterization, really.


Part Two ladyhadhafang February 19 2013, 12:41:22 UTC
(Mostly going by the first film thus far)

favourite female character: Katniss, Primrose, Effie, Rue.

favourite male character: Peeta, Gale, Haymitch, and Snow (he's such a despicable man, but such a good villain, I swear).

least favourite female character: Clove.

least favourite male character: Probably Cato. Although he has his moments, he mostly terrified me.

favourite ship: Katniss/Peeta.

least favourite ship: Katniss/Gale. I see them more like friends, really.

film/tv show rating: 10/10. Because it's just brilliant.


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