Just listened to the audiobook some more...

Feb 16, 2011 09:36

...and while I love it dearly, boy is it dramatic. This may sound redundant, but Stover really, really likes making Anakin suffer. Seriously, the scene in the Council chamber definitely makes me want to hug him.


-Obi-Wan's duel with Grievous. Especially the giant lizard chase. (Can I say one thing about Boga? I *want* that mount. Seriously. :D)

-Mace Windu's duel with Palpatine. Seriously, just read it. Or better yet, listen to it on the audiobook. It's really one of Stover's best combat scenes. :)

-Anakin and Padme's telepathic conversation. An already lovely scene in the movie, even better in the book. :)

-Shaak Ti. I just like that she tried to comfort Anakin...which makes what happens later a lot worse. :( And Mace Windu's Hope Spot when he sees Anakin makes it...much worse. :( :(

-Mace Windu's reaction to Anakin telling him that Palpatine's Sidious. Seriously...*ouch*. Besides Shaak Ti and Obi-Wan, he's probably one of the only Jedi Masters I really like. :/

Just Bugs Me:

-While Stover does a decent job in explaining how the Senate just...took Palpatine's word for it, I have to wonder about the whole voiceprint thing. Maybe it's just me, but I'm pretty sure voiceprint does not work that way. (Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. :) And even if it does, you'd have to assume that the Senate has not only the collective IQ of crab grass, but is also really, really gullible.

...actually, that does make sense. :)

-Anakin starting to turn into a bit of a jackass near the end. But considering what he's gone through, it makes sense.

Honestly, most of the stuff in the ROTS novelization...it's already a good book, but it's even better if you've grown invested in the characters beforehand. :)

tearjerker, crowning moment of heartwarming, crowning moment of awesome, stover you magnificent bastard i read yo

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