...and it was really good! :D Loved it. :)
Things I Loved:
-Rose and the Doctor's conversation about "being more Spock" at the beginning. That was really cute. :) (Although I can imagine asking Nine to be this would be difficult considering that he and Spock have as much in common as celery does with chocolate icing, to quote a rather ingenious commenter on the "Which Star Trek Captain Are You" quiz. :) Maybe Nine would be more Bones, i.e. cantankerous with a softer side to him. :) *Suddenly has the urge to do a thing with DOCTOR WHO characters as STAR TREK characters*)
-The gas mask zombies. 0.0. That bit with one on the roof calling to Rose was really damn chilling. Although its "Balloon!" remark made me chuckle, at least. And it's pretty realistic all things considered, especially considering Steven Moffat himself is a dad. I think he might have drawn on a bit of his experiences for the episode.
+ Speaking of which, the scene where it somehow manages to "call" the TARDIS...Do Not Want, so very much. And when it calls the phone in Nancy's *house*. So much Do Not Want in there.
-I've always loved Captain Jack Harkness so very much, so seeing him in his first appearance was lovely. I liked his wooing Rose near Big Ben; I'm very much a Doctor/Rose girl, but I was so near-shipping Jack and Rose in that scene. Then again, champagne plus dancing plus Big Ben (and all while finding a pretty neat trick to get exposition out of the way?). That definitely hit a few of my buttons. *Is admittedly a bit of a romantic* And considering his early life as a self-proclaimed con man, it definitely paves the road to his later role as a more heroic figure.
+ And I really liked when he rescued Rose when she was falling out of that airship and took her in to heal up a bit. That was nice of him. :)
-Speaking of which, Rose getting caught up in that air raid -- Jesus. 0.0. That was a really tense, frightening scene, although Jack's first appearance definitely added a degree of humor and levity into it.
-Nine bonding with the kids that Nancy took in.
-Nine's talk with Nancy in regards to how brave human beings really are. That was really sweet.
-Doctor Constantine's sudden transformation into one of the gas mask zombies was a real shocker.
-That cliffhanger with the zombies in the hospital waking up... *Shivers*
Overall, amazing episode. Definitely so far one of Moffat's best. Great character development, great story, great setting, great building of atmosphere...it's amazing. <3 Definitely a Must See.