So, watched the DOCTOR WHO episode "The Long Game"...

Jan 31, 2013 20:44

...and it was excellent! :D Loved it. :)

Things I Loved:

-The opening, with Nine showing Rose and Adam the Fourth Great and Bountiful Human Empire (apparently). Overlaps with a Crowning Moment of Funny when Adam faints and Nine says this:

NINE: He's your boyfriend.

ROSE: Not anymore.

-The sheer amount of worldbuilding involved in regards to Satellite Five.

-Caprica! :D Seriously, DOCTOR WHO always has such awesome female characters, and Caprica was no exception. I love how she started off as kind of uncertain and confused only to Take a Level In Badass at the end.

-Suki. (No, not ATLA's Suki) Seriously, she was awesome. I loved her attempt to stand up to the Editor, as well as breaking free of the mental hold and helping orchestrate his downfall at the end.

-Adam calling home. Also, did I mention he has a really adorable dog? :) We mostly see it in a few scenes, but it's adorable. :)

-Rose trying to be nice and support Adam. Granted, he makes a really dumbass move later, but still...

-Simon Pegg was a hell of a lot of fun as the Editor, and damn chilling too. I know his speech in regards to humans was really chilling.

-Nine hugging Suki before the latter goes up to get "promoted" (which only makes what happens to her even more chilling and even heartbreaking).

-The buildup of atmosphere as Suki enters the Editor's room for the first time. Seriously, shivers.

-The Doctor and Rose being captured, and Rose being tortured until the Doctor blurts out who he is. Also, the Editor gloating about the fact he'll go back in time and change the course of history to prevent the human race from developing, basically. *Shivers*

-The Editor In Chief Jaglofaar (mostly spelling it as I heard it, sorry). Seriously, it looks awesome.

-Even though I didn't really like Adam's fate (see below for evaluation), Adam's mom's reaction to what happens when she snaps her fingers was pretty funny.

Things That Bugged Me:

-This is going to be a massively unpopular opinion I'm certain, but I didn't really like Adam's fate at the end of the episode. I mean, yeah, I can understand the Doctor getting pissed about Adam nearly changing history and such, but still, I found his fate a bit cruel, and not to mention potentially creating a lot of problems. That and...well, yeah, Adam was a bit stupid, but it was really the Editor that was exploiting his brain. That and it gave me some flashbacks to...well, that one moment in "The Gathering" from CLONE WARS that I disliked (e.g. Katooni calling Petro selfish. I mean, granted, by the end of the episode it wasn't the case, but people judging people, or, in more general veins, being self-righteous, cruel, etc., is really a guaranteed way to get my hackles up), as well as the familiar, "Remember, kids, if you have a special talent, conform with the rest of the herd." I doubt that was really the intention of the episode, and I guess I'm reading too much into that one moment, but it still bugged me.

But overall, other than the ending, loved it. Definitely recommend. :)

doctor who, this is awesome!, reviews

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