So, how am I?

Jan 07, 2013 11:04

-Watched a few episodes of FARSCAPE if only because I couldn't say I slept very well. A lot of stuff on my mind and everything. Also, to learn a bit more about how to write a good villain -- and I have to say, Scorpius is made of awesome thus far. Terrifying (I know that "Nerve" and "The Hidden Memory" scared me), occasionally very funny (a lot of his sarcastic remarks to Crais, for instance), and occasionally doing something oddly sweet as well (for example, finding M'Lee at the end of "Bone to be Wild", and his remark to one of his soldiers about knowing when to be strong and when to show compassion. A lovely quote really, although I'm not yet certain as to how well it'll turn out for him). Honestly, Scorpius really does remind me a bit of Vader at a few points, and even a more villainous Spock (something about the speech patterns for the latter), so I guess that's one part of it. Another part of it is...well, he's really well-written, really. Also generally falling in love with Moya's crew, especially Aeryn (seriously, Aeryn Sun? Fucking amazing), Crichton, D'Argo, etc. And "Bone to Be Wild" -- honestly, I think this is what "A Sunny Day In The Void" (CLONE WARS) should have been. Having characters play more off their environment than anything else, building tension, etc. (Yeah, I know, I probably shouldn't compare the two shows as they're pretty damn different, but...let's say it was a random thought that popped up when I was watching the episode)

-Speaking of CLONE WARS, while I didn't like "A Sunny Day In The Void" as much as I wanted to (I guess it was so dependent on the characters hugging the Idiot Ball and everything else, even though it had a few good bits), I'm definitely interested in the next episode. Although I'll be honest, I just want Gascon and co. to get back to the Republic and thwart Grievous' plan, because I will admit, I was way more interested in that than Gascon learning a lesson or WAC proving himself. I'm not averse to character-driven episodes, but I think the whole Gascon-learns-a-lesson-thing, etc. has kind of work out its welcome. Honestly, I want them to undergo that sort of transformation fighting Grievous and all -- having their wills tested. CLONE WARS is a pretty good show, really, but really? The droid arc is off to a pretty rocky start. It has some good moments, but yeah...rocky start.

-Kind of sick of having to switch to the old format on LJ and such, and the 503 errors -- not as bad as a few days ago, but still... *Sighs* To paraphrase Scotty in THE FINAL FRONTIER, "I think this new LJ style was put together by monkeys!" Probably me overreacting, but it's just a bit annoying.

writing meta, whining, warning: rant, farscape is awesome, clone wars

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