(no subject)

Feb 11, 2011 18:40


Good vid. Had to wince -- sort of -- at the bit about "if a woman's setting fire to your crotch, you've probably done something to upset her", but I guess...*Shrugs, facepalms a bit, then shrugs again*

(Hell, someone even pulled a What The Hell Hero on Nash in the comments)

Other than that boneheaded comment, the video was awesome. Some highlights:

-Nash's reaction to the guy who completely removed another guy's penis. (Seriously, I'm a girl and that made me wince in sympathy) Even though the story wasn't funny, he looked so aghast that it made me giggle. :3 (Really, that's why I watch the show: to see Nash being his snarky self. XD)

-The Running Gag with Stuff Blowing Up. Especially the exploding hot dog. XD
-Why does Florida always have to be a hive of batshit crazy? Just wondering. :/

-Stick Boy's attempts to hit on Lupa. Awww...seriously reminded me of this song:


And of course, Stick Boy hooking up with a stop sign at the end. And Todd getting possessive per usual. XD And...well, basically everything to do with Stick Boy and Lupa.

Fantabulous job, Mr. Nash, as always!


(Yeah, that gif's never gonna get dated)

musings, wtfiwwy, thoughts

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