From theonlymeyouget.

Dec 25, 2012 15:58

Looking Ahead: 2013

1. Will you be looking for a new job?

I might yet. I might yet. I'm honestly more concerned with school. I just want to find the right job, really.
At least in terms of volunteer work, etc.

2. Will you be looking for a new relationship?

Not sure yet. I think I'll know when I see it. Still, I can't say I'm experienced with romantic relationships.
I mostly remember me and a close friend being mistaken for boyfriend and girlfriend once (from what I can imagine),
and having a few crushes that fizzled out eventually -- I think I need to at least socialize a bit more. Maybe ask people out. Not sure, though.

3. New home?


4. What will you do different in 2013?

Try and see some more good in the world, and be more proactive. Work more on my original fiction. Not hurt
people so much with my words and actions. Learn how to speak my mind without being a Jerkass to people.
Also, considering I ran a few tests on myself and found out I have some degree of empathic tendencies, probably find ways to cope with that/help it.

And take more care of myself. That's good, I think. That's definitely good.

5. New Year's resolution?

Still thinking of them.

6. What will you not be doing in 2013?

Wangsting. (Good luck with that, self) Also, being cruel to those who care about me, getting in fights with friends, etc. And being a bit self-centered at times. And not sticking up for myself. And worrying about what people think.

7. Any trips planned?

Not that I'm aware of.

8. Wedding plans?


9. Major thing on your calendar?

Not yet.
10. What can't you wait for?

Oh Jesus, a lot of things. The next CLONE WARS episode, the DOCTOR WHO Christmas Special, finally seeing THE HOBBIT, and a lot more.
11. What would you like to see happen differently?

PETA and the Westboro's Baptist Church fading into obscurity (or being stranded in a parallel dimension, that would be good. Or sucked into hell a la the Daleks and the Cybermen). The GOP reforming. Some degree of civility being reached in the STAR WARS fandom. SF Debris becoming a TGWTG member. And generally more make-us-happy and less make-us-angry.

12. What about yourself will you be changing?

Being less goddamn naive and gullible. Also, finding some good role models in general for my life. Maybe writing less angsty and angry stuff and more happy. Stop dwelling on the past. Have more of an identity because thus far my identity's been kind of shaky, really. Stop taking things so goddamn *seriously* -- it's bad for my health. And I'm sure there's more.

15. Will you dress differently this year then you did in '12?

Might be in my pajamas a little less.

16. Will you start or quit drinking?

Currently *not* drinking, really.

17. Will you better your relationship with your family?

Yes. Because honestly, I need to speak with them more, and have less fights with my brother (let's say he's quite wonderful, but he and I haven't always been on the best of terms). And be less of a hermit.

18. Will you do philanthropy work?

I might yet. If I can do something right, it'll make a world of difference.

19. Will you go to bars?


20. Will you be nice to people you don't know?

Yes. More open to chat, at least.

21. Do you expect 2013 to be a good year for you?

I certainly hope so. Considering how rocky 2012 was (to the point I could write a fucking "We Didn't Start the Fire" parody about it despite the fact I suck at filks), I'm hoping that 2013 is calmer. At least we won't have to worry about the apocalypse in 2013. XD

22. How much did you change from last year to this year?

In terms of personality changes, I was kind of happier this year. At least, I started enjoying things more, and having a bit more empathy. But I think at the same time, I was a bit sadder. More isolated at least at times, more regretful (with a healthy dose of I Hate Past Me for some of my sort of Jerkass behavior in 2011). And a bit angrier at times as well -- which isn't really fun. I think it's why being an angry critic wouldn't work out for me. Because then I get sad, and otherwise breaking down, and that's not fun. At least some of my sadder episodes dwindled a bit. I guess TL;DR, I'm better, but not *better* better.

(And God, Dave Barry's recap of 2012, on a slightly OT note...definitely good luck to the man. 2012...just wow.)

23. Do you plan on having a child?

No. Not yet, really.

24. Will you still be friends with the same people you are friends with now?


25. Major lifestyle changes?


26. Will you be moving?


27. What will you make sure doesn't happen in 2013 that happened in 2012?

Getting into a fight with my friends, Wangsting over what people think, general Wangsting, not being there for those who need me,
being disappointed with humanity, worrying, etc.

28. What are your New Year's Eve plans?

I might be going to a party to celebrate New Year's.

29. Will you have someone to kiss at midnight?

Not really, no. (Is this a thing now?)

30. One wish for 2013?

Please, God -- at least make it calmer. I think we've all suffered enough. And just give me one day where everything that can go right does go right. And please let me be published when I've finished my work. And don't let me give up -- I was dangerously close to giving up at a few points during 2012. Just find a way to keep me going. Please, God...just please.

end of year meme, 2013

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