...and I loved it! :D I really, really loved it. :) Seriously. :)
Things I loved:
-The recap of Spock's death near the beginning. Really broke my heart.
-Kirk's Captain's Log. I know his line about Spock being the better half of him, if I recall correctly, really broke my heart.
-Krug. Just Krug. Such an awesome bad guy. I know his opening scene gave me chills (although I don't know why he would have to kill his wife/lover -- at least that's what I inferred from the dialogue -- after she gave him the Genesis plans. Probably a minor point of confusion for me, though. And considering Krug would do anything to get Genesis and thus recognition on his home planet...yeah)
+ While we're on the subject, "To absent friends."
-Kirk's encounter with the not-quite-himself Bones. Creepy and heartbreaking at the same time (I know that the whole "why did you leave me" thing really hurt).
-This exchange between Kirk and Scotty (thanks to TV tropes for the source):
Kirk: Mister Scott, do you always multiply your repair estimates by a factor of four?
Scotty: Of course, sir! How else can I keep my reputation as a miracle worker?
Just priceless. XD
-Sarek's talk with Kirk, and later experiencing Spock's death. Almost started crying, really, but didn't. (Didn't want to wake the parents)
-McCoy's scene in the cantina (one of many STAR WARS similarities, really. :) with the gap-toothed alien, and the Commander. Especially McCoy's failed attempt to nerve pinch the Commander. Also, McCoy's reaction to learning he has Spock's katra: "It's revenge for all those arguments he lost!"
+ Although, poor McCoy. That has to be pretty hellish, really.
-The whole discussion in regards to the ENTERPRISE and how she has to be retired. I know Kirk and co.'s reactions...ouch. Also, Kirk's talk with the Commander. Actually a bit uncomfortable as well, but well-done.
-The Enterprise making a break for it. Seriously epic scene. Highlights include Sulu's "Don't call me tiny" and Uhura kicking Mr. Adventure's ass. Seriously, Uhura, Sulu, crew of the ENTERPRISE? You are made of awesome. :3 Also, the Excelsior's Warp Drive failing. Just...priceless. XD (Also, anyone else kinda sorta reminded of ESB with the failing hyperdrive? Different circumstances/execution, really, but still...)
+ And the crew of the ENTERPRISE deciding to break the rules and go with Kirk to rescue Spock. Honestly, that's definitely the heart of the movie, besides Kirk and Spock: the strong friendship between the crew of the ENTERPRISE. If you ever needed a definition of True Companions/Nakama, it's right here. :)
-The idea of the Genesis planet aging with Spock was a brilliant concept, and very well-done.
-The Genesis effects look *beautiful*. Seriously.
-The death of Krug's hound in the showdown with the ENTERPRISE, especially Krug's reaction.
-David's death. Really well-done, if heartbreaking. I know that Kirk's reaction (missing the chair and saying, in probably the most broken, anguished tone you could ever hear: "You Klingon bastards, you've killed my son!") was so heartbreaking that I had to stop the viewing for the night. Honestly, I think the only reason I didn't start crying right then and there was I would have woken my parents (and having to explain to them may or may not have been a bit awkward). Seriously, well done, Shatner. Seriously.
-The destruction of the ENTERPRISE. Keying in the self-destruct codes, for example. And this exchange:
KIRK: My God, Bones -- what have I done?
BONES: What you had to do. What you always do. Turn death into a fighting chance to live.
It's almost as if Bones is playing the role of Spock in that moment.
-Krug's final battle with Kirk. I know that Kirk's line, "I! have had! Enough of you!" was just...really well done. :)
+ And even before that, Krug's reason why he doesn't beam Spock up as well: "Because you wish it!" It's sort of like even Krug can see how much Spock means to Kirk. Chalk that up as...honestly, bizarrely heartwarming.
-Bones admitting to Spock that he missed him. Also, urging him to remember. Just...*hugs the both of them*
-This line from Sarek: "My logic is uncertain where my son is concerned." *Sniffles*
-The ceremony of restoring Spock's katra with his body. Just really well-done.
-Spock getting his memory back, especially the crew of the ENTERPRISE's reactions.
Overall, loved it. :3 Definitely recommended. :)