What I'd love to see in the Sequel Trilogy

Nov 19, 2012 18:28

Mostly just for fun. :) Sort of what I'd hope to see.

-A return to STAR WARS roots. I'll admit that DOCTOR WHO's seduced me recently, and while I still love STAR WARS, there are places where my relationship isn't quite the same. I think that if Disney could help remind other people why they fell in love with STAR WARS in the first place, that would be pretty damn cool. :) The starship battles, the lightsaber fights, the character beats, the romance (it is a space opera, after all)...I say a return to the roots, so to speak, would be pretty cool.

-A further exploration of Luke. Sort of how he feels post-Death Star II and whatnot. Not to mention him learning more about the Jedi's history and making a conscious decision to avoid the mistakes of his mentors. And his parents.

-This was already vetoed, really, but I actually wish that it was based on HEIR TO THE EMPIRE-THE LAST COMMAND, at least to an extent. Not only would it have some Mara Jade and Thrawn appearances, which would be pretty awesome, but it would also be a good way of showing the fallout post-Galactic Civil War. Granted, the articles have nixed that idea, but at least something along these lines would be pretty neat.

-Vader and Padme featuring in the films. Because seriously, I think they need scenes with their kids. How Padme can do it...well, that's really up to the writers.

-Leia dealing with the truth of Vader's legacy. Because I think that would be interesting to see.

-A few more shades of gray. Don't necessarily have to be there, but it would be nice to see, at least. :)

-Luke rebuilding the Order. And preferably without the galaxy getting fucked over again later.

-In terms of directors...well, some have suggested Whedon, but I think his style is a lot different than the usual...y'know. Still, I suppose if Irvin Kershner could pull off ESB, I don't see why not. Then again, Joss is mostly busy, as are Nolan, Abrams, etc. I'm thinking Nicholas Meyer of WRATH OF KHAN fame. Because that would be awesome. :3 And maybe collaborating with Michael Arndt and Brenda Chapman, assuming Chapman's working on it. Alternatively, John Lasseter could do it. Or Guillermo Del Toro.

So yeah. Mostly my thoughts on the matter. I have no doubt that whatever happens, the film will be awesome, but that's something I'd like to see, at least.

Thoughts? Comments? Anything I missed? I'll take them.

sequel trilogy, thoughts

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