So, finally got around to watching the CLONE WARS episode, "The Gathering"...

Nov 14, 2012 18:45

...and it was really good! :D Loved it. :)

Things I Loved:

-Ahsoka continuing to come into her own as a character. Seriously, she's come a long way from the Padawan we first met in the movie.

-The characters of the younglings themselves. They were very realistic and very likable -- and I cared a lot about what happened to them.

-The whole quest of gathering the lightsaber crystals -- it was really fun, to be honest! :D Scared me a bit, but it was fun nonetheless. :)

-Petro's Changed My Mind, Kid as he goes back to help Katooni. And later, smashing through the ice. Seriously, you are made of awesome, sir. :3

-Yoda reassuring Katooni about Petro. (Yeah, I know, Yoda showing empathy. Cue the flying pigs, huh? :P) But in all seriousness, that was very sweet.

Things I didn't like:

-As per usual with Clone Wars, good as it is, it can get a bit Anvilicious at times. For example, Katooni calling Petro selfish when he decides to go off on his own to find his crystal. I mean...come on. Kids, from my experience, can do stupid things. It doesn't mean that they're bad. Still, I guess that was the point of the episode -- just because someone does something stupid doesn't mean they're a bad person. And honestly? I think that's a pretty damn valuable lesson to learn. :)

-While I still loved the episode, I'll admit that there was a bit of Adult Fear Accidental Nightmare Fuel in there, what with the whole "the cave's going to freeze over soon and trap you in" in there, considering...*sighs* I've always been really frightened when it comes to bad things happening to small children, and I was actually thinking, "Oh sweet Jesus, isn't there any sort of adult supervision around here? I mean, for fuck's sake!" Fortunately, it all turned out okay, but I'll admit Yoda still kind of pissed me off what with scaring the kids like that. I guess it was meant to teach them a lesson about fear and yadda yadda yadda, but still...


-This is probably a coincidence, but when Petro was talking, I swear to God I thought, "Wait! Is that the guy who voiced Darkheart in the second CARE BEARS movie?" (I watched the Nostalgia Critic's review of it, in case you want to know) Basically, that was my first thought. Then again, I've checked IMDB and that is sadly not the case. *Sighs* I apparently watch too much Nostalgia Critic. :P

So overall? Loved it, definitely a must-see. :) And I can't wait for the next episode! :D

clone wars, reviews

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