Random updates

Nov 07, 2012 10:50

-Had a really, really bizarre dream last night about the Nostalgia Critic in a Batman costume (and no, it wasn't Donnie DuPre -- just the Critic) getting zapped out of time and space, as well as getting impregnated for some reason. Also, him doing a "Raiders of the Story Arc" sort of thing for Lost, never mind that Lost...isn't exactly nostalgic if I can recall correctly.

-Also, Obama won the election! :D Not only that, but he's on for four more years, Todd Akin and his lot have been defeated, gay marriage has been approved in two more states, and...honestly, this is just made of awesome! :D :D It's just...*Makes squeeing noise*

i need more days like this, the best is yet to come, the worst is over, the election, nightmares, obama, happiest moments

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