NaNo updates (plus a bonus rant)

Nov 05, 2012 12:17

Got 10,087 words today. Also on the duel with Dooku. Doing pretty well, I think, considering the circumstances. Pretty tired right now, but relatively satisfied.

Also, a bit of a ramble, based on one post that I read (thanks to a recommendation by fangirlblog). I don't know how qualified I am to really talk about this (and I doubt I can be as ( Read more... )

rants, nano = straight up awesome, warning: may piss people off, warning: triggering content, stfu rape culture, nanowrimo updates, stfu misogyny year, stfu misogyny

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zelda_queen November 5 2012, 17:35:58 UTC
I think the biggest issue is the Rape is a Special Kind of Evil trope. For a lot of people, it's hammered in their heads as the worst crime evil (or at least the worst crime readily available to a lot of people). And I don't say that to trivialize the action, really. But I remember a quote (Gail Simone said it, I believe), that you should give thought to whether or not you NEED to include rape. If not, don't. People just jump to rape as a quick way to hurt or break a character and show another character is evil, when the same result could be reached by beating someone with a baseball bat, shoving them off a cliff, psychologically screwing them up, etc.

Reminds me of the dissonance between the canon of the anime Axis Powers Hetalia, and the fandom of the series. The series is far from being kid-friendly (the dub was rated M for a reason), but negative relationships between the nations were portrayed by the characters throwing insults, punching, kicking, and other such things. In fanfictions, especially darker and edgier ones, guess what the antagonists tend to resort to first? Imprisonment, starvation, whipping, and other such things the characters undergo in those sorts of fics undergo are usually the lead-up, when they alone would work fine.

Um...just my thoughts. ^^;


ladyhadhafang November 5 2012, 18:58:45 UTC
Gail Simone really has a talent for nailing things, doesn't she?

And very well-said! Seriously, you said it better than I ever would. :)


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