(no subject)

Nov 02, 2012 08:41

So far, I've got 2,570 words under my belt. Also really, really liked going into Dooku's feelings and thoughts during the Onderon arc (at least, him reflecting on it in the present). He's a fascinating character, Dooku, and that's one reason he's one of my favorites. I also wish he and Anakin got more interaction and whatnot, if only because of how much potential their dynamic has.

Oh yeah, and I had a really awful nightmare regarding Thor, Loki, and some fucked up sort of retelling of the Osiris and Set myth. It was so awful I actually was curled in the fetal position on my bed and going in my head, a la the Doctor in "Midnight", "It's gone it's gone it's gone it's gone..." Mostly decided to get it out via NaNoing.

So, how are you?

nano = straight up awesome, nightmares, the insomnia chronicles, nanowrimo updates

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