Title: Murder the Dawn
Author: ladyhadhafang
Summary: Obi-Wan Kenobi is supposedly the perfect Knight. Padme Amidala is a Dark Jedi dreaming of a better galaxy. And Anakin Skywalker is the Chosen One, destined to bring balance to the Force. When their paths collide, the consequences have far-reaching effects not only for themselves, but the galaxy.
Pairings: Obi-Wan/Satine, Anakin/Padme.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Author's Notes: This originally started out as a pretty simple idea -- Sith Padme, Jedi Anakin. I didn't really think that it would go off the rails the way it did, but I do hope that at the very least, it's an enjoyable read.
It feels like a lifetime since he returned to Tatooine. He can’t say that he has good memories of it (most of all, he remembers Watto, and Gardulla the Hutt, and the beatings, with a few good things in between - he remembers Kitster, he remembers Wald, and he remembers so many others - do they still remember him, after all this time?), but even now, returning to Tatooine seems perversely fitting.
At the very least, it doesn’t feel the same without R2 by his side. R2 has been a constant companion to him - and now...now he’s gone. No doubt to watch over Obi-Wan’s children, after all this time.
The woman beside him is a small, slender young woman - her build underlies her strength. Not only physically, but mentally - he still can’t believe that he’s allied with her after all this time, especially considering that the first time they met, they were enemies. She was trying so hard to follow Sidious’ orders, trying to rebuild the Republic that she felt was decaying - no doubt neither of them realized that Sidious had...other plans in mind.
He still can’t believe that Sidious was actually the Chancellor all along. If anything, if someone had actually said that to him, he would have shouted them down - because they were wrong.
Because Chancellor Palpatine was a good man. Because the Chancellor would never have been allying himself with the Separatists the entire time - or at the very least, playing them against the Republic. Playing them like a harp, so to speak.
And yet...
“Are you all right?” the young woman asks. She’s a beautiful young woman, with dark hair and soft features, and expressive amber eyes - for a moment, Anakin Skywalker, the Chosen One
what a horrific joke
can see traces of the girl she could have been - if Sidious had not led her astray.
He has no authority to judge her. He has not been in the same position she has - except for the fact that they were both slaves, in a way. Her to Sidious, him to Watto and the Hutts after all these years.
“I am,” he says. “Except...” He breaks off - even remembering Obi-Wan hurts. Obi-Wan was not what you called the most open man - his relationship with Obi-Wan was complicated, to say the least - but there were times, with his wry humor, his bravery, his kindness, his laughter, that Anakin could see another side of him - at least of sorts.
“You miss Obi-Wan, don’t you?” The Sith woman - Padmè, he should call her now. It’s only right - reaches up and gently touches his cheek - it’s such a gentle gesture, such a simple gesture, and yet somehow, something inside him shivers.
“Yes,” he says. “For my part.”
“He was important to you,” Padmè says, “I can tell.”
Even now, something in those words ignites anger deep inside him - this is not her fault, and yet somehow, the heat spreads through him, and it hurts -
“You weren’t there on Mustafar,” he said, “But what I saw...the man I saw on Mustafar claimed to be Obi-Wan Kenobi. He wasn’t.” Even remembering seeing Satine in such pain, dueling him in a rare violation of her pacifist ways - it was something he never wanted to see.
Two of his dearest friends, dueling to the death.
Two of his dearest friends, enemies.
And Obi-Wan...how far-gone he was.
Padmè reaches out and squeezes his hand. “We’ll be all right,” she says, “I promise.”
“I don’t know.”
He wants Obi-Wan to be back - he wants Obi-Wan and Satine to be happy as they were meant to be.
And yet somehow, he doubts that that will ever truly occur - ever again.