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Comments 60

darth_eldritch June 2 2012, 17:17:00 UTC

I'm glad I never got involved with ffnet.


ladyhadhafang June 2 2012, 17:30:43 UTC
Eloquent and appropriate Cad Bane icon is eloquent and appropriate.

And yeah... *Sighs* I was thinking of setting up an FFN account at one point, but with all this? I'm sticking to AO3 and LJ until it all boils over.


darth_eldritch June 2 2012, 17:44:43 UTC
I never could get into FFnet. I don't know why, maybe because I have heard so much of the stuff they pull and the fandom fights.


ladyhadhafang June 2 2012, 17:51:22 UTC
Yeah. :/ FFN was actually one reason I (nearly) left the LORD OF THE RINGS fandom. Just because of the BS that went on there.


theonlymeyouget June 2 2012, 17:31:58 UTC
If I may play devil's advocate, on the "regular" FF.net site, it DOES say that anything rated MA shouldn't be on the site. People do it, yeah. Hell, *I* do it. I've got sex, violence, and violent sex. But it really doesn't belong there. They just turn their heads a lot of the time.

Adult/mature stuff actually belongs on ADULTfanfiction.net or Ao3.


ladyhadhafang June 2 2012, 17:52:02 UTC
Well, yes, but on the other hand, pulling a story for just mentioning the word "killed" in the summary sounds a bit extreme. Still, I understand where you're coming from. :)


theonlymeyouget June 2 2012, 17:53:01 UTC
Yeah, I agree with that. "Killed" is a bit much.


ladyhadhafang June 2 2012, 17:54:21 UTC
Yeah. *Sighs* Seriously, what the heck is going through their minds?


elizabeth_hoot June 2 2012, 17:37:32 UTC
Ditto, Anakin. I don't even do swearing or sex and I'm just sticking to LJ/DW/AO3.


ladyhadhafang June 2 2012, 17:53:07 UTC
Yeah. *Sighs* Definitely a good idea until it all boils over.


lealila June 2 2012, 18:05:35 UTC
Wow. I is stunned. Majorly. I mean, I do understand where ff.n is coming from--and what theonlymeyouget said, but there's a M section. What is the M section there if they are just going to take it all off in the first place? Especially if its been there for a while.


ladyhadhafang June 2 2012, 19:35:56 UTC
This. Seriously.


coldthermistor June 2 2012, 18:46:53 UTC
Thanks for the news! It's about time!

(For context: I've been after them to delete my account for ages. I frankly saw no good reason why they should refuse to, and instead require me to delete things individually. I mean, seriously? So I put lots of dirty stuff there until they took it down. At long last.)

For what it's worth, I'm annoyed on behalf of the writers who got hit, though :/


ladyhadhafang June 2 2012, 19:36:32 UTC
You're very welcome. :) (And that's...awesome, really)

And yeah...I know what you mean. :(


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