Got this from ontd_creepy, etc.

Jun 01, 2012 00:02

And I have to warn you, this is potentially triggering/nightmare-inducing. If you have a weak stomach for violent crime and other things of that nature, it's best you don't read on. Seriously. Additional trigger warnings for mentions of drug use and child abuse/cruelty.

The headline itself is bad enough: Naked man killed by Police near MacArthur Causeway was ‘eating’ face off victim.

But it actually gets a bit more messed up: a nude man high on LSD/bath salts (although the article I got says cocaine psychosis, and the guy's girlfriend suggests it was a voodoo hex) attacked an elderly homeless man on the Miami causeway and proceeded to bite his face off. A Miami officer tried to order the attacker off the other man, which didn't work -- and so the officer had no choice but to shoot the attacker to save the other man's life. The victim was transported to the hospital shortly afterwards. (And yes, they even have surveillance footage from the attack. I recommend you don't watch it if you have a weak stomach for that thing)

The sad thing is that the whole thing with bath salts isn't an isolated incident -- there were actually other cases along this line, such as a man high on the drug who ran down the streets fucking up cars because he thought electricity was chasing him (no, really) and a couple high on the drug who nearly cut their five year old daughter stabbing walls because they thought people were living in them. So there are multiple instances of bath salts making one do awful things. This just got the most attention.

I can only hope that the victim recovers. Unfortunately, from what I can gather, insurance will save his life, but it won't cover the purely cosmetic damage. That and he will need plenty of time to recover emotionally and psychologically as well. I can only wish him the very best in that regard.

florida, warning: high octane nightmare fuel, newsstories

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