Warning for potentially inflammatory content involving abortion/mentioned double standards, and triggering content involving miscarriage and rape/sexual assault. If these things upset you, it's best you turn back. I don't want to trigger/upset anyone by mistake.
Got this from
valarltd (thank you, valarltd, for allowing me to repost this):
http://valarltd.livejournal.com/1508353.html#comments To paraphrase, both Virginia and Oklahoma have passed Personhood Amendments -- remember the Mississippi Personhood Amendment that I posted about last year? Though the people of Mississippi rejected it, it didn't stop it from passing in Virginia and Oklahoma -- basically, they say that life technically begins at conception, so they not only passed laws that basically made miscarriages and abortion illegal (and on the miscarriages front, this isn't just something that's happening now,
it happened last year), but they also made contraception illegal.
In addition, should a woman choose to have an abortion, Virginia has made it mandatory to have her undergo a transvaginal ultrasound, never mind if she wants it or not. It doesn't help that apparently, conservative commentators are also
petitioning to repeal the 19th Amendment -- apparently blaming it for government growth as well as the double standards that are apparently abounding today. The petition I linked you to currently has one hundred signatures -- it is currently striving for one hundred thousand signatures.
Our government's turning into a dictatorship with every passing moment. If anything, I fear for the future.