Why SOPA is dangerous, an explanation of the bill

Jan 19, 2012 17:32

Originally posted by nyxmidnight at Why SOPA is dangerous, an explanation of the bill
Why SOPA is dangerous
To Sum Up
  • Gives the government the right to unilaterally censor foreign websites.
  • Gives copyright holders the right to issue economic takedowns and bring lawsuits against website owners and operators, if those websites have features that make it possible to post infringing content. [A comment feature is enough.]
  • Makes it a felony offense to post a copyrighted song or video.

This bill turns us all into criminals. If it passes, then you either stop using the Internet, or you simply hope that you never end up in the crosshairs, because if you’re targeted, you will be destroyed by this bill. You don’t have to be a big, mean, nasty criminal - common Internet usage is effectively criminalized under this law. This bill will kill American innovation and development of the Internet, as it will become too risky to do anything of value. It is toxic and dangerous, and should not, under any circumstances, be supported.

And on another note: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-16642369.

Basically, Megaupload has been shut down and the owners charged -- eerily (or not so eerily -- I should know better) enough after the blackout. I'm thinking the people who started SOPA are going to be as stubborn as the Pharaoh in Exodus until this is all over -- and even when it's not.

douchequakery, signal boost, it's a douchequake!, can't stop the signal, douchebaggery, dumbfuckery

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