And on a lighter note...

Dec 01, 2011 18:41

*Squees loudly*

And I'm already shipping Critic/Chick again. Really. :3 I love the idea of Chick and Todd together, yes, but I think in a way, Critic and Chick have so much chemistry that it's almost criminal. XD

And Phelous! :D He was awesome. :) Hell, all of them -- everyone in this review was awesome. :) And Finding Nemo references! The songs! A kickass ending! Chick chewing out Christian for being a dick to Satine! Basically...everything! :D Eeeeeeeee! :D :D :D

And regarding the songs in the movie...yeah. *Sighs* Can't say I agree, but I see their point. :) Although I do love "Come What May" though -- it's just beautiful. :3

fuckyeahcrossovers, fuckyeahtgwtg, fuckyeahnostalgiacriticchickshipping, fuckyeahnostalgiacritic, major want, straight up awesome

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