...we have Fangirl Blog's complete review of ASCENSION (possible trigger warning for discussions of violence against women -- and spoilers):
I think it says disturbing things about me that the casual dismissal of Jacen Solo's storyline, besides Ben hurting Vestara, is already ranking up in "Things I Hate About ASCENSION Already". Especially considering it was technically Luke's fault that Jacen fell in the first place (at least, that's how I see it. YMMV as always). *Sighs* I need a freaking drink...
EDIT: Also, I forgot this:
http://fangirlblog.com/reviews/star-wars-fotj-allies/. It's from a while ago, but let's say that both "compassion is for those who deserve it" and the Vestara domestic abuse thing are far from temporary author setbacks. Also, Abeloth impersonating Mara? I don't know about you, but suddenly my "LINO as Claude Frollo" comparison is becoming eerily accurate...