(no subject)

Jul 03, 2011 09:50


MA-TI! *Starts sobbing* Seriously, after the crap he went through in earlier videos, I'm glad they threw him a bone this time. :)

Holy shit was Malachite scary. 0.0. #Slightly regrets that he and the Critic didn't personally face off -- maybe with an I Know You're In There Somewhere Fight -- but that's mostly wishful thinking on my part. That, and we wouldn't have gotten MA-TI'S Moment of Awesome otherwise.

"Oh my God I won a car!" Oh, Chester. XD (Talk about Here We Go Again. :3)

Overall, awesome (and I really wish that it could have gone on longer. :). Now, if you'll excuse me... *Sobbing* Ma-Ti...

awesomeness withdrawal, tearjerker, crowning moment of heartwarming, fuckyeahtgwtg, fuckyeahsuburbanknights

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