Jan 28, 2011 19:17
Name your 10 absolutely favorite couples (het/slash/canon/fanon) and ask people to see what trends they notice about your couples. Try to pick different fandoms.
Honestly, I love a lot of couples. Seriously. As long as they're executed well, or compelling, they've got me in the bag. Granted, there are a few couples that get under my skin (*cough* Ron/Hermione *cough* *cough* Lupin/Tonks *cough*), but even so...
Anyways, I tried to pick one from each fandom. Enjoy. :)
1. Aragorn/Arwen
2. Anakin/Padme
3. River/Jayne
4. Jedi Exile/Atton
5. Quasimodo/Esmeralda
6. Obi-Wan/Padme (only in my fem!Anakin-verse).
7. Zuko/Katara.
8. Harry/Ginny.
9. Beren/Luthien.
10. Eragon/Arya