Damn you, irrational loneliness...

Jun 23, 2011 19:22


And because I'm irrationally lonely as hell (and I *shouldn't* be, goddammit. Maybe it's STAR WARS withdrawal, maybe because it's because I'm planning the RR!verse too much, but...*sighs* Either way I really suck. XD), I've been going on a Todd In The Shadows splurge. I have to agree with his #1 choice, "Need You Now" by Lady Antebellum:


Why? Well, I'll let an unexpectedly sweet TGWTG comment sum it up for me:

"...Need Your [sic] Now is an amazing song, it truly is a song about emotions, it looks at both sides and it has one of best lines ever "I'd rather hurt than feel nothing at all." That is saying emotions make us human."

Considering how I'm feeling today (i.e. wanting to go numb; who the f**k invented PMS anyway? #Ranting to self), that definitely helped out. That, and I'm just sick, sleep-deprived, bored, and goddamn lonely. In short, not feeling well would be an understatement, to say the least.

And that's just me rambling to myself right now. How are you guys doing? :)

fuckyeahtgwtg, fuckyeahtoddintheshadows, so i heard the commenters are great, ramblings

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