Oh. My. Lord.
I can't believe I haven't posted this yet. It's been over a week since I went there, and abshnfsd. See, this is how much I neglect LJ orz.
Last Saturday (July 10th) I went to Chibicon with my best friends Amber (no lj) and
saphitri. It was the first time I've ever been to a con, and boy, was it fun. We left at about... 7:30AM-ish,
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YES STYRIA LOLWHUT. Wait. There are pictures on dA *looks for links* Here she is!
Yay \o/ Epic cosplay is epic, hmmyes.
I'm not really good at either, OTL. Well, maybe that's not it, it's more that I've never really done either. Then again I'm a perfectionist, so once I go for something I really go for it. And my mom is amazing with sewing and whatnot so I can always ask for help, teehee. Fang's clothing itself doesn't look too difficult, but like you say, the patterns on the border of that sari is just blaagrhgg. Argh. Yes. XD Those boots might be an issue. Then again looking around tends to help, or I might buy a pair of hand me downs and cut them up, lol. Once it comes down to that I'll see what I can do.
Serah is much easier. The skirt, shoes, stockings... You can just find them in stores. The fabric for her see-through vest thingie isn't that hard to come by either, I think. The shirt needs some modification, with the zig-zag buttons and the weird things on the bottom, but nothing too major.
Would you happen to have a link with the image of Fang's sari? That'd be great!
Thanks so much for your input ♥♥♥
I think you've answered your own question! xD Honestly, the only difficult thing about Serah looks like it'd be her hair. xD Her hair is...interesting. >> I've seen people fussing trying to get all of their real hair covered since Serah's is so weird. But oh well.
And yes indeed~ Right here. Can't read it at all, but that's what pictures are for. xD
Anytime~ ♥
Serah herself is weird, lolol. Gah I shouldn't judge, still only at... Um. No idea. Nowhere near the end of the game XD But I should hope a wig will solve it. It'll only be a little trouble getting all my friggin' hair underneath it XD Oh well!
Oooh, thank you! That'll come in handy! I only understand a little of it, but the pictures kind of speak for themselves. Thanks ♥
She is, for being a crystal most of the game. xD HOW DO YOU WANT TO MARRY SOMEONE WHO IS LITERALLY TWICE YOUR SIZE. I MEAN COME ON. I know that looks shouldn't matter in the name of love, but...dude, Snow. Quit bringing along your child bride. Sigh. xD
I'm sure you'd do fabulously! It seems like an easy costume. ^^ Except for her silly earrings. It took me forever to make those. And they still turned out crappy. ><
You're very welcome! You just basically need to cut a bedsheet up a little. Epic. xD
Snow is beginning to annoy me, and I'm only at the part where he defeated the Shiva Sisters and got captured by Fang (must not make dirty comment, must not). And so far the word 'Serah' has made it into EVERY FRIGGIN' LINE OF HIS DIALOGUE. You can't even BLINK and he's already started shouting her name as if she'd hear him or moping around ice-picking. I mean, crystal picking. WHATEVER, he's annoying XD I hope he gets better later in the game.
I might cosplay my FFvXIII namesake, in her white dress. It's the easiest thing EVAR and I love her already, so it's a win/win situation \o/ Maybe I should stop rambling about would-be costumes and GET OFF MY ASS, but whatever, it's vacation |D
10PM + coffee = bad combination.
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