Update to Yesterday's post....
Well, two things happened last night that have had considerable effect on me. One made me feel much elated the other drove me into depts of sadness I have never felt before.
I should start with the bad shouldn't I? That way I can leave off on a happy note, I guess. In responce to my post my werewolf responded. Only when he did, I felt like I had been mentally slapped in the face. I stated in my post that I felt like he was distancing himself from me, and how much it hurt. He said that this"People move on" BS and then "I thought we were freinds but not anymore" ?~? He totally missed the point. I meant that I've been trying to be his friend he just disappeared. There was no "moving on" he was just all of a sudden gone. And that comment at the end hurt. I mean I cryed when I read that. Then there was a long conversation afterward on IM. The gist? Even though I was a friend since kindergarten and his good friend the past 4yrs, I mean diddilyshit now that he has a girlfriend. I cried. I felt like I really had been forgotten. I miss him as a friend and he could just care less now. Ouch.. really ouch..
The good? I have my dark angel back. At least I hope. ^_^ Figures it takes a misunderstanding, a chance converstaion between her and my sis, and an LJ post to do it. There was an instance at school were a person in our class plagerized(badly, I might add, she only changed three freakin' words). The girl must have known my Angel knew because she pulled a veil over our teacher and her. I couldn't understand why she wasn't doing anything about it. It was so not like her. So I pursued it instead. The teacher was upset that the girl had lied and well, Dark Angel was fustrated. I would have been too. She talked to my sis on Friday night and found out how I cried and felt bad. Then on Sunday, I still didn't know that she had been tricked by this girl and I was especially saddened. Unlike my werewolf, she got what I was trying to say. How I felt that they had all of a suddened abandoned me. She apolgized via IM for the misunderstanding and we started talking, actually talking. I was all warm and tinglely inside. I feel like I have my friend back. And I'm happy about that.
So as I said before, i'm happier now, yet I also feel worse. I just can't win I guess. Next time, I'll try to write no depressing stuff at all.