Absolute Awesomeness!

Oct 07, 2007 14:42

So, I'm still horribly sick. So this means no Camp Mack, which sucks. I love Camp Mack. I learn alot and I always a have a good time. Despite being sick, I promised the telling of my absolutely best Birthday ever! Which I start with Sugar-filled J-pop goodness. Why? Becausce this may give an idea about how I felt on my birthday. :D

Ayumi Hamasaki: Blue Bird

So, my absolute best birthday started at 12:00am with Anna wishing me a Happy Birthday since we were still up. :D I went to my computer and found Lydia had wished me happy birthday on my facebook. As soon as Chris saw me, he wished me happy birthday. So before I went to bed I was already feeling the love. :D

In the morning, Sharon, Anna, Chris, and the kitties all wished me a happy birthday, and I went to class. I was feeling a little under the weather(little know to me but this was the start of the icky sickness) so I had trouble concentrating on my art. Then Amanda walked in with her art. She gave me a present and told me happy birthday!!!! :D (I was excited) I felt so special. Still not able to get my wishy washy head around my art, the teacher man let me leave early. :) Which is where I bumped into Lydia. She told me happy birthday, and we talked for awhile. She then made me a button that said "It's my birthday!". It happened to be chancellor's chat so I went to that and mentioned the abandonedness of the VCD. He mentioned Happy Birthday. (cuz he saw the totally cool purple button).

So then to Wednesday evening. I had my presentation, "Japanese myth, superstition, and legends" already. Before I went my parents called me and wished me a happy birthday. hooray! :D For the meeting, I was expecting cupcakes, people saying happy birthday, and then I go and do my presentation. That's not what I got. When I got to the school, Mary and Cat were waiting outside the room and they promptly covered my eyes. They then led me to the SPSA room. When they uncovered my eyes There was hello kitty on the projector, and there was a hello kitty cake, presents, & pop. Everybody started singing "Happy Birthday" to me. I'd been feeling so unloved lately (hence my post on Saturday) and here was a bunch of people showing that they loved me. I started to cry. I was so surprised and so happy. Everyone in that room got a hug. They all started to laugh when they realised everyone was getting a hug, but i don't care. I was probably the happiest I had been in a long time and hugs are how i show my love. :D Amy even showed up for a second to wish me happy birthday! I appreciated that so much!

After what I've been told was a awesome presentation, a group of people took me to Applebee's for my first drink and birthday dinner. Minus a not-so-great waiter, I had a blast! When I came home, I found all the love people had left me in my email and my facebook. Thank you all so much!

I hope that this is somewhat coherent. The coughsickness has made my head very loopy.

My birthday was the best I had ever had. And all I have to say is I love you all and thank god everynight that you are part of my life.

good days

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