According to my mem *see below* my life is pretty decent right now.
I would have to say I agree. Friday was the shadowcast of Rocky Horror Picture Show and a Halloween party! w00t! Taco came with me. I hung out with Chris alot. I apologized to Taco for that, but she said not to worry about it. She understood and then told me how glad she was that I feel the way I do. LOL Sometime when I was not around Taco picked up two guys. Not one but two. *go Taco! go Taco! go Taco! does dance* We all (including Taco and the two guys) wound up at Becky's. We played "Have you ever" which was so fun! Taco and I played with water and Pop but it was all good. A few surprises in the game, LOL. Needless to say I didn't take a drink that much. LOL Good times. LOL
Saturday was fun as well. I didn't get up till 3 or 4 PM. Then I wound up with Chris, Brit, and Chris's "Daddy". I saw Dogma, which was great. That movie was so great. The humor was awesome. ^_^ Today, Chris came with me when I visited my Grandparents. ^_^ And then I dropped Chris off at his house. He's surpose to have dinner with Brit and her parents. So I'm going to get some homework done. Then tonight, it'll be more Anime! w00t! I can't wait. Evangelion has gotten so totally interesting I can't wait to see what happens next.
My life so far (yeah right) LOL:
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