Yet another fabulous weekend!!!

Dec 16, 2007 21:25

Friday night- Went to Chantel and Bevans and got nice and saucey, then to noodlebox to drink and dance more, then down to hush for Mat the Alien which was FUCKING SICK! So much fun! SUCH A GOOD DJ! Then went promptly home to bet.

THEN saturday night, met up with jenny, chris and spurr at noodlebox, then to lucky, to hush, back to lucky, to social club then BACk to lucky.. then to benders!

Benders was SO MUCH FUN! There were very few key people missing but it was fantastic, we even had a 'finale' dance when we all were in the livingroom grooving hard. I love my friends. Chris and I had some more bonding time, Alison was HILARIOUSLY awesome, and John is like my favorite person ever! Cara AND jaime were BOTH even there too, which NEVER happens since they have both been pretty lame, not to mention miss Janele was there. I got the best picture of what LOOKS like john and bender kissing but it's on Chantel's camera so i'll have to wait to get them. I cannot WAIT for THE WEDDING AND NEW YEARS... im like practically not even stoked for Xmas just new years! Chantel and i are going to get dresses on wed, then home to bevyface for a scrumptious dinner, yummmmmy!
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