This weekend definitely made up for not going out last weekend!

Jan 14, 2008 10:24

Friday night was fabulous. Hung out with Matt then went to lucky and partied it up with Spurr, Amanda, sean, bre and Janele. I went to the bar with the intention of meeting a boy, and it worked! I picked one, and he totally came and danced with me, offered to buy me a drink, and wanted to come after party (But we were going to seans so i advised against him coming so far away from his house). Then we had New Years wrestling part 2 at sean's and i think i lost. My legs are SO bruised its disgusting. I had a heart to heart with bre and called her on a few things that hade made me feel uneasy with her relationship with my bestfriend but she made it quite clear she was in it for him so that's awesome and I am glad :)

Then saturday night jasmine came over and we decided to go to the bar. My friends are awesome, so much funny things and so much fun. So my ex came down to the bar and was totally all about me again (everytime i see him he is all touchy feely and like puts his arm around me when we're outside and dances with me). And then the boy from friday was there and kept coming up and talking to me/standing beside me/dancing with me (he can't dance and its really cute to watch him try). So it was pretty interesting having TWO boys pay attention to me, because that NEVER happeneds! Made my night AWESOME. Then after, boy from fri asked to hang out after again so i brought him to Ryan's with us but Dave talked his ear off the WHOLE time so i decided to go home. I see him out a lot so i'm sure i'll see him in a week or two :P

This week is going to be so fun. Tonight Justin invited me to go to a movie with him and work friends, then tues night Bevan is making me dinner, then thurs night chantel and our friend amanda and I are going out for desserts and drinks then hopefully friday is cara and mary day! So stoked for that!! I haven't seen jaime in two weeks :( I miss her :(
Yay !!

Love you friends :)

Another thing that is kind of cool:
- On new years I had three friends (Sean, Ryan and Cara) tell me how awesome I was and how i deserve someone just as awesome and that felt great.
-Saturday kylie took me aside and told me what a great friend I am and how good of a person I am and how nice I am (she also added that she wasn't high when telling me this hahahaha)
-Saturday nigh Teddy told me how much it ment to him when i gave him an Xmas card! How nice! Prior to that, wes, justin and john also all told me how sweet i was and how much it ment to them and how it brightened their day! How cool is that?
-Today karen made a little dedication to me in her Lj!? That is awesome.
I really do appreciate my friends so much and care about them so much and I'm glad they know that (or else they wouldn't be saying nice things I guess). I try to do what I can so everyone knows how important and special they are, because you guys are all lovable and fantastic :)
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