School's Out For Summer

Jul 15, 2010 17:00

Yes it finally is. I’ve been off the school of hell a couple of weeks now and I’ve done quite a lot of nonsense which was just what I needed. My new classmates have been driving me crazy for over a year so this is like heaven for me. The thing is though that I’m easily bored and I don’t really know what to do on my spare time. -.-
The only great thing this summer was my vacation to London with my father.  We went mad over there and bought tons of CDs, DVDs, leather jackets, music memorabilia and so on. It was a blast in England (as usual) and Sweden is really boring when I think about it. XD Hmm, anyway….It sounds like I’m complaining but it is! All we do here is eat meatballs! Now where’s the fun in that?!
I don’t know what I’m talking about; I just wanted to post something so here it is.
Maybe I should get some sleep and clean my thoughts... *zzzz*

Oh and here's a picture of me and my friends goofing off the last day at school

I'm in the middle with my maniacal laugh (which you can't really hear, it's just a picture ye know)


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