Title: Space Noise
ladygray99Rating: G
Prompt: #444 Silence
Characters/Pairings: Larry
Word count:100
Summary: Larry didn't think it would be so loud in space.
Notes: Written for
Space Noise (#444 Silence)
Larry found it hard to sleep his first 'nights' on the ISS. The other's said that was normal. Rocketlag. A thousand times worse than jetlag. The body trying to adjust to conditions it was never meant for.
Larry knew it wasn't that. It was the noise. In space there is silence. On the station there is always noise. The hum of fans cooling or heating. Water and gasses being pumped around behind a millimeter thin wall. Computers beeping, and the radio always chatting back to Houston.
He realized he might have to go back to Earth to find true silence.