Title: Strange Goth Girls
Fandom: NCIS / BtVS
Prompt: Nipple piercing. Prompted by
ladygray99Rating: R
Characters/Pairings: Abby/Xander
Word count: 100
Warnings/Spoilers: Piercings
Summary: You’d think Xander would learn.
Notes: Written as an expansion of a
bdsm_fandom 3 sentence prompt fill.
Strange Goth Girls
You would think that Xander would learn to avoid strange goth girls, or really girls in general, considering the number who wanted to kill him post or pre mating.
Xander was in a post coital haze when Abby pulled out the needles, rubbing alcohol, a heavy gold ring. She told him it wouldn’t hurt and make him look sexy.
Xander admitted that compared to other things he'd felt in his life it didn't hurt all that much and he did feel kind of sexy. What Abby didn't warn him about was that he'd develop a nonstop erection while it healed.